Chapter 19

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I have to stop thinking all the time. It's exhausting. Everything that happens makes my brain work, with every little thing that I found interesting my mind divagates about it. I don't even know how I can sleep.

My brain needs a shutdown button.

"Dylan can you make less noise peeing?" I say.

"It's not my fault that I have a lot of fluids to expel." He replies from behind the tree.

"No, but you could at least try to make less noise." The words come out a little muffled and distorted because of the toothpaste on my mouth.

"Do you want to see my Willy?" Dylan's head appears from behind the tree.

"Ew, no, I'm not that desperate." I crunch my nose at the idea.

"Desperate? Girls would line up just to have this beast." He points to his exit fluid.

A shiver passes my spine. And I continue to brush my teeth. One of the most difficult things to do here on the woods is to take care of our hygiene. We have needs, which Mother Nature gave us, and we can't control it.

It's easy for the guys to pee, but not so easy for the girls. They only take it out of their boxers and BAM it's done.

Thank God my period hasn't appeared yet. I heard that snakes can smell it. Once again, ew and hopefully there is no snakes here or any other animal that can kill/endanger us.

I spit the toothpaste to the river. I crouch down and make a shell with my hands to retrieve a good amount of water and guide it to my mouth. I mouthwash it and spit before standing up at the same time that Dylan comes in my line vision zipping his jeans.

"You have a little bit of toothpaste here." He points at the corner of his mouth. I'm about to clean when he reaches his hand and does it himself.

"Dylan!" I scream "You bastard, you've just peed, and you haven't cleaned your hands, but you put one of your fingers on my skin, on the corner of my mouth."

"Oops," He shrugs his shoulders, "But let's talk about something that doesn't revolve about my penis, not that I mind, yet you seem really found of it."

"I don't have any interests in it, but I assure you if you don't shut up this moment I'm going to cut it off along with your balls." I send him a death glare and wait to see if he understands that I'm serious.

"Okay," He raises one hand in defeat and for safety rests the other in his lower regions, "I need my cock here. So, do you have your things ready?"

"Yes, I have everything packed." We start walking to the den where the others are.

"Let's pray that we find the way out now." He bumps his shoulder with mine and wiggles his eyebrows.

"What's so funny? Please tell me."

"Nothing, but if we don't have sense of humor we will end up in an asylum because of the situation we are currently in." How ironic, a few days ago he was screaming at Lucy and Sarah's face. The funny side of him was probably asleep that day.

"You will end up there if you leave the woods." I reply immediately.

"Don't be so pessimistic Kate." He puts his arm over my shoulder.

"I'm being realist. It's a big difference." I roll my eyes and take his arm from around me so I can enter the covert. As it was supposed to, the others are there.

I approach my bag and check if I have everything I needed, I put the toothpaste and toothbrush close to the rest of my toiletries. I'm so focused arranging my things that I don't hear Nathan walking to me, "Hello."

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