2. Audition

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[Byori P.O.V.]

"Wow, that was really good, Moonbyul. You can definately count on being a part of the show."

I still hear their words in my head. I know survival talent shows are harsh, but i really want to be in this one. I've worked really hard for the past years and I finally want to debut as a rapper and dancer.

I was really concerned the whole time before the audition, but now... I feel good. But...

The girl I met. Why did she smile so brightly at other and gave such cold looks to me? What did I do? I better looked down and walked away. I dont need any conflicts. 

I sit down on a sofa in the corner of the room. Now... just wait for the results.

[Sun POV]

"That was an amazing performance, you really can hit the high notes, YeongSun. Confidence, stage presence, everything really good, especially when you havent trained for so long... I'll be very happy to see you on the show."

I smile, thank and bow. Im satisfied with my stage today.

I walk back to the waiting room and look around. There is only one place, where I could sit. A green sofa in the corner. Right next to... Oh my god.

I hesitate for a moment, but then confidenly walk to the sofa and sit next to her. Im trying not to look at her, so i take out my phone and start scrolling instagram.


She talks to me. Why. What should I do.

I give her a long stare.

"How was your audition? Did it go well?" she smiled.

"Um... of course. Just like i wanted."

"Great! Hope to see you in the show, then."

See me in the show? Does she mean... she already has a place? There are about fifty people and they will choose 20. And she already knows she's got it?

I just nod and look back at my phone.

"Oh, you have instagram?"


"Cool, can I add you? My name is-"

"What's your problem, blondie?" i look at her angrily.


"Why are you talking to me?"

"...why not? People talk. We are people. We can talk. And my name is Byeoli, by the way."

"Listen, Byori, I dont know what's your problem, but you're not gonna take me down."

She looks shy. "Why are you so mad, im just trying to be friendly."

I sniff and walk away to the rest room.

When I come back, I just stand on the other side of the room, until the auditions are over and the CEO with managers to tell us the results.

I'm in. I'm in the show.

But so is the blondie.

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