18. Plan

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(Byul P.O.V):

We don't talk about it for the rest of the day. We just cook, eat, watch tv, show each other photos from our past... When Hyejin brought it up again. She tried to call the company to ask them, if they could change the couples for duels. It seemed possible, since it was not officially announced yet, on cameras. They told us it's to make the show more spicy. So that's how we learnt our lives are just a show.

Wheein said we should come up with some plan. Well...

Me and Yeong agreed we will just do our best, work as a team and don't give them a chance to decide who is better. But we all knew they would still pick one.

Now we were standing there. Stage, ceos and managers, cameras... A couple of girls just got eliminated. Looking at them I thought, next sunday, it's going to be me. Or Yeong. And Hyejin. Or Wheein. Two win, two lose.

Will it break our relationship?

Will it break our friendship?

I was almost sure it will.

When they announced the duels, my eyes teared up. I instinctively grab Yeong's hand. Cameras focus on us. Hyejin looks angry, Wheen looks down. Yeong pats my back, but her expression is blank. 

All four of us have the same thoughts, same desperate feelings. Funny how differently we express them.

I lay down in Yeong's bed, staring at the ceiling. We've decided I will live her for the rest of the week. Until... you know.

I worry the show will make us enemies. And if we become enemies...  how can we still be partners?

So here's to an end of this relationship. Short and beautiful. Like poetry books. Or single pieces of poetry. Like a painting. You look at it for a while and then walk away. Continue to the next one.

I dont want any next ones.

I want to stare at this picture until my eyes are sore. I want to read this book until I reach the end...

There's an end...

I will force the author to write more and more.

I dont want it to end like this.

A week...

That is far not enough.

"So," Hyejin walks in the room and stops my anxious inner talk. "I came up with something."

Suddenly i feel embarassed. While i sit here, drowning in my own depression, she was actually working on a plan how to avoid the worst. 

Me, Yeong and Wheein gathered around her.

"There it is: ... "

She explained her idea to us. It sounded... great. Really great. But...dangerous.

"But will we be able to do this?" Yeong asks.

"Why not. We will get yours and ours practice time. That is twice as much as others have. Plus we can practice some extra at home, since we live together."

"But... what will happen, when we get in? Will they call off the show and make us winners?"

"Would that be bad?"

"No just... it doesnt seem like something they would want to do. So... it would still be easier and probably more convenient to kick us all out."

"Not if we make enough of noise," Hyejin smiled. "So that if they kick us out... the public will stand for us. And they need to know it before they make the decision."

"In other words," Wheein says."It has to be more than perfect. But honestly, we can do it. We are more than perfect together."

We all smile.

"But..." I say my worries out loud. "What if they kick us all in? Or, what if they completely fire us?"

Hyejin smiles. "Then we will find another company. Together."

I give her a look.

"Debuting without Wheein or not debuting at all, you know what I will choose," she says.

Wheein nodds. "Same. Do it together, or dont do it."

I look at Yeongsun. She's thinking.

"I think I agree. Friends are more than career."

I smile and nodd. "Alright then. Im all in."

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