12. Her Story

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(Byul pov):

She moves her head back and looks into my eyes again, softly and calmly just like the kiss was.

"Like this?" she whispers.

I look at her a little shocked.

"I'm sorry," she says again. "You are right, someone did hurt me. But i did not want to hurt you... I just did not really handle things."

"Oh,"... im still too shocked and confused of what have just happened that i am not sure what to say.

"I did not lie. The bruises are old. Now that I'm in Seol, I'm safe." She shivers and I hug her.

"It's ok..." i whisper and feel her body shivering in my arms. "You are safe now."

I let go and she nodds.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I ask. 

She shruggs. "I did not tell anyone yet."

We sit down next to each other and lean our backs on the practice room's walls. If someone saw us they would scold us for wasting our prescious time we had for training, but it did not matter now. There are things far more important than this competition.

"Just briefly, I... I had this boyfriend," her face goes pale. "In the beginning he was so nice and kind but... then it all changed. It started with a slap when he got drunk. But he started drinking more and more... and I was actually lucky when it was only a slap. He would beat me a lot, push me around the house, so i would hit furniture and get hurt... Next day he woke up and he was all nice again. Until...."

Her voice breaks. I take her hand and smile at her. I'm here for you, i say in my mind. She smiles back.

"I told him about this... drinking problem of his. And... that's when it stopped being just a part of being drunk. He would treat me so badly even when sober. And it was not just hitting... I mean..."

She shakes her head. I understand.

"I'm so sorry you had to go through this."

"Well," she wipes a tear coming from  her eye. "I know i should have done something. Tell police, tell someone or... just leave him, you know? But... I felt so scared. So scared he would catch me and it would become worse. That he would hurt my family or friends too... I think he was not really mentally ok... Also... he threatened me. Just to make sure I stay with him. He recorded some... stuff..."

Her face is pale with pain.

"He said he would send it to everyone who knows me. Put it publicly on internet... That would ruin me... Even that stuff itself was ruining me enough..."

I stroke her back. I cant imagine she had to go through such thing.

"So..." she smiles at me with apology in her voice. "that is why i pushed you away and ran away in the bathroom when you touched me... it reminded me..."

"Oh, no, I'm so sorry, I-"

She looks into my eyes. "It is not your fault. It's not you at all. I just... you know, he was the only person who ever touched me like that, so... it just... brought up memories..."

"Im still sorry," i insist. She smiles.

"I should be sorry. I was mean to you, because... I just felt so embarassed. I thought you must hate me, i was scared of rumors, and bad blood... so... i guess i was trying to look too strong to mess with...."

"Worked well," i smile and she laughs a little.

"Well, thank you and sorry."

I think a little. It is a lot of information to grasp in such short time.

"I have a question doe."


"Why did you kiss me in the first place?"

She smiles. "I just... i felt attracted to you... But... I dont know... it was spontaneous. I just wondered how it would feel like to kiss you... and then  i just did it without thinking... and i found out i want it..." she was replaying the scene in her head again. She smiles in a guilt. "Maybe too much."

I shake my head. "No. Not too much." I give her a soft kiss on her cheek and look into her eyes. "Not enough."

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Author-nim says "ello there mate":

My dear readers,

hope you're liking this story so far (even though the votes and reads dropped a half, which is sad but I deserve it for the delays).

I am sorry for keeping you waiting all the time, I know that when writing Kill me softly, I was adding a new chapter every day, but the thing is, that I am kinda graduating uni this year and there's tons of sht for me to do, most of them being writing tasks, so it is sometimes hard to force myself to write more, even though i really love this story.

I'm trying to add at least one chapter a week.

If you feel sad waiting, look at my profile, there are many stories you can read while waiting ^^

Stay well, stay beautiful

with love

your Usagi-san / AmberDrakePotter

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