The Third One Pt. 5

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Webby's POV

I ran into the mansion, excitedly grinning. Lena and I had so much fun! I can't wait to tell the boys. I got home before Beakley and Scrooge, so I get to tell the story twice!

I can barely contain my excitement as I burst through the boy's door, only to find... Huey and Louie crying? What's wrong? Where is Dewey?

"Guys? What's wrong? Why are you both crying?" Huey looked up at me, fear and sadness in his eyes. He put his hand out and in his hand laid a note. I bolted up to them and snatched the note out of his hand.


"Your pranking me right? Louie? This is one of your sick jokes right?" Panic rose into my voice. It couldn't be! Dewey would never do this! A kidnapper must have bro- WAIT WAIT WAIT. DEWEY'S MIDDLE NAME IS TURBO?! Hold on Webby, let's stick to the real problem first.

"He isn't Webby, neither of us are pranking you. We wished it was a prank from Dewey, but..." Suddenly anger filled his tone "No he is just so selfish! Wanting attention! God, I hope he never comes back!"

It seemed time slowed down, as Louie exploded. He pounced on top of Huey, and punched him. Anger was radiating off of him.

"YOU TAKE THAT BACK HUEBERT! I MIGHT NEVER SEE DEWEY AGAIN, AND YOU THINK ITS A GOOD IDEA TO MAKE HIM SEEM SELFISH?!" Louie slapped Huey one more time before getting off of him and running out of the room.

"Good job Huey. You might've lost a brother, but you didn't have to push the other away." I couldn't believe Huey! He never acted this way!

I slammed the door on my way out, before I followed Louie's cried through the mansion. I found him, curled up in a ball... in Scrooge's office? Odd. He could've, whatever, I have to be the big sister right now.

I hugged him, trying to comfort him. I didn't cry myself, but I felt so much sorrow. Dewey was gone, ran off. I could get why Huey was mad, but he didn't have to say that in front of his already hurt brother!

Louie and I stayed like that, till I heard a Scottish accent behind me.

"What are you two doing in my office?" I looked up at Scrooge. The crumpled note in my hand was hard to read, but eventually Scrooge got the message. He ran out immediately, probably ordering a search party. I would tell Scrooge about Huey later, for now, I needed to be here for Louie.

Just like Dewey should've stayed here.

Dewey's POV

I don't know where I am to be honest. It was kind of familiar.

Oh yea! We were here when Webby got us thrown off the bus on the way to Funzo's! Good times... it's the worst neighborhood in town, but I can dewey this! I'm Dewey Duck after all! I don't need my brothers, Donald, Scrooge, or Webby! I'm self-sufficient!

Now to find a place to stay.

Huey's POV

What have I done... I can't believe I said that. I can't believe Louie exploded. I can't believe Dewey ran away. I can't believe I was so oblivious to this whole situation! I'm supposed to be the responsible one!

I let one run away...

But even worse...

I pushed the other one away.

(End of this part! Did you expect Huey to act like this? To Louie explode? I try to keep everyone guessing, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. Thanks for reading!)

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