Robots of Sherwood

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"Gotta run!" You wave to some of your students as you dash out of class. Ignoring the odd looks you get from your peers, you try to escape as quickly as possible. Which is not easy when you're juggling as many unorganized folders as you are. Outside the school, just a few paces down and sitting on the sidewalk is your ride. You knock to be polite but enter regardless. 

The Doctor looks up from whatever had his attention a moment ago. He tilts his head as if to ask 'Just you?'. You hold up a finger to signal him to wait. You set down your things on some steps and brush yourself off. The Doctor looks at you impatiently. 

"Oh, of course, she's coming. She's just been moving slower ever since she started dating that Math teacher." You stretch out your back and cover a yawn. "Good ol' Clara Oswald, snogging the staff."

"I'm snogging who now?" Clara clicks her tongue as she closes the TARDIS doors behind her. She wags a finger at you after setting her belongings down beside yours. "Shame on you, (Y/n), for gossiping 'bout me when I'm not around."

"It's not gossip if you do it in front of me," you roll your eyes. "That's, like, news reporting at that point." 

"Take a punt. Your choice. Wherever, whenever." The Doctor suddenly shouts, gaining the attention of the room. He points at Clara as he ascends to the second level. "Anywhere in time and space. You've been here the longest, 'bout time you had a say."

"Me?" Clara looks over at you. You shrug. She climbs the steps to follow the Doctor. "Well, there is something, someone, that I've always wanted to meet. But I know what you'll say."

"Try me." The Doctor runs past Clara, drawing symbols and equations on the chalkboards that make no sense to you. You wonder if it's in another language that the TARDIS couldn't translate or if you are just too dull to understand it. Either is just as likely. 

"You're gonna say he's made up, that there is no such thing." Clara folds her arms and leans against the railing. She smiles longingly like she wants him to prove her wrong. You tilt your head to the side as you try to jump ahead and figure out where she's going with this. The Doctor prompts her to finish her thought and her smile increases twicefold. "It's Robin Hood!"

"Robin Hood?" The Doctor stops in his tracks, looking over his shoulder at Clara. You shake your head and laugh. Of course, it's Robin Hood. Clara doesn't have as big an interest in history as you do but she always did love historical fiction. You remember her throwing a fit as a child one Halloween when she went as Madian Marian and no one got her costume. You had been a dragon that year if you're remembering correctly. 

"Yeah! I love that story. I've always loved it, ever since I was little." 

"Robin Hood, the heroic outlaw who robs from the rich and gives to the poor." The Doctor saunters to where Clara is leaning. He puts his back against the rail and sighs. Clara excitedly nods her head and waits for him to say something else. "He's made up. There's no such thing."

"Oh! You see?" Clara points at the Doctor as he descends the stairs, quickly approaching you. She puts her head in her hands and groans. You move your hands in a sort of 'it is what it is' motion. It's been like this since you came aboard. Clara and the Doctor bickering with you having to referee the matches. It's not easy work trying to make both sides happy but you try to cut your losses where you can.

"Old-fashioned heroes only exist in old-fashioned storybooks, Clara." You accidentally speak at the same time as the Doctor. Looking up, you laugh a little at the coincidence but the Doctor just looks embarrassed. He turns away and glances at Clara.

"Hey, what about Mars?" He offers. Clara's jaw drops. "The Ice Warrior Hives! Now there's something that's real."

"You said it was my choice!" Clara storms down the stairs. Here they go again.  

Your Hearts and Mine (12th Doctor x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now