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Hello! 안녕하세요! ¡Hola!

I'm so excited to be posting this fic.  It's been a rootin' tootin' good time writing it, and I hope you enjoy reading it. 

I just want to give a quick lil disclaimer before you dive in.

This is a work of fiction. These characters, situations, and places are a slice of my imagination.

I am a woman in her mid-twenties, and my writing will reflect that.  There will be explicit language (yes, especially the f bomb — it's how I season my words, okay?), mature themes, and sexual situations.

Chapters marked with a "⚠️" emoji contain smut!

Your votes, comments, and engagement in general give me literal life, so I am grateful for any kinds of encouragement you can throw me.

Thank you so much in advance for reading; I appreciate you!

xo K

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