chapter 30

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"Okay, okay. Let me get this straight. You and Namjoon exchanged gifts, and yours was such a hit – you're welcome – that you two then fucked like bunnies. After the excessive humping, you had a pillow talk sesh where you discussed your Zodiac compatibility, your blood types, your novel you've been hiding from us — rude — your family, and the Kim family. Then you shared a good night's sleep in each other's arms, woke up, raw-dogged it, confessed your fucking love for each other, got interrupted by your chode of an ex-boyfriend, quickly solved your ex drama, and then returned to your now-boyfriend Kim Namjoon and allowed him to leave hickeys all over your body? In less than 24 hours?!"

Ash took a sip of her soju and let its bitter sweetness sit on her tongue while she mulled over Susie's recap. Ash sat on the couch of her and Susie's living room alone, her back against an arm rest and her legs stretched across its length. Susie and Minji, on the other hand, sat together on the floor, letting their backs rest against the front of the sofa.

"Well, yes," Ash murmured after swallowing. "And then we watched Kdramas and cuddled for the rest of the day."

"That's it!" Susie screeched, throwing her hands up, making Minji giggle next to her. "This isn't real life. We are the characters of some ridiculous fanfiction. You are Y/N, I am the quirky best friend. This is the only logical explanation. I will take no other theories as this is the Truth with a capital T. Period, the end."

Ash ignored the way Minji's giggle morphed into an outright belly laugh.

"Just admit that you're jealous and move on, Suz," Ash teased smugly.

Susie scoffed.

"Please. I may be a side character, but I got my happy ending, too," Susie grumbled, scooting closer to Minji on the floor.  Minji smiled. "I am comfy and content with my situation, thank you very much."

"Are you sure? You look a little uncomfy on the floor, there," Ash replied, biting back a chuckle. "You can sit with me on the couch if you want."

Susie twisted and looked at Ash like she had suggested Susie go outside, find a nice metal surface, and freeze her tongue to it.

"Ah yes, the couch where Namjoon's bare ass very recently resided. Listen, I'm still trying to move past that info, and to do so I must refrain from sitting on said couch for at least three to five business days," Susie shot back.

"Not the only bare ass that's been here recently," Ash challenged, raising her eyebrows.

Both Susie and Minji's cheeks reddened.

"Okay, no more naked butt talk, the stream starts soon," Minji interjected, avoiding eye contact with Ash as Ash stood to head over to the television and ensure the channels were where they needed to be.

God, I missed them.

It was New Years Eve, which meant it had been nearly two weeks since Ash had seen her roommate and co-teacher. The lovebirds had sort of ditched Ash to go on a surprise holiday excursion to Japan. At first, Ash was pissed. How dare they abandon her, leaving her to spend Christmas all alone?

Namjoon's super busy schedule didn't help. Ash hadn't seen him since they spent their own little "Christmas" together. His managers were unable to schedule their important meeting until after the group was finished with their holiday specials. Right now they were in New York City, scheduled to perform at New Year's Rockin' Eve.

After Susie called to let Ash know she and Minji were boarding a plane, Ash realized she hadn't really spent much time alone since moving to Seoul. So, instead of pouting for eternity, she took advantage of her time and spent it writing, calling her mom and Namjoon, and exploring Seoul — while successfully avoiding Drew.

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