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Wow. Wow wow wow.

Where in the world do I start?

I have said this several times before, but I am going to say it again.  I would not have finished writing this story if it weren't for every single one of you.  When I started writing, I didn't expect anyone to read my stuff.  If I'm going to be honest, I almost didn't want anyone to read it.  I have always been incredibly hard on myself, and I'm super self-conscious of my writing.

I know this is just a fanfic, but I truly poured myself into it.  Writing these characters and storylines was challenging.  There is so much of me in it, and in turn, every single update took a lot of courage and vulnerability. 

I legitimately started writing this right when I began properly stanning BTS.  So as Ash learned the intricacies and beauty of Korean culture, so did I.  As Ash grew into herself and followed her dreams, I did too.  As Ash fell in love with Namjoon and grew close with Susie and Minji, I fell in love with BTS and formed lifelong friendships with other ARMY. 

I don't think I can effectively put into words how much this story means to me now.  Writing it was healing for me, and I hope reading it was, too.

I guess if there's anything I hope you take away from Just Ash, it's this:

Even during shitty times like now, every single one of us deserves to be happy.  Happiness doesn't look like happily ever after for most people, and that is okay.  For me, happiness is often fleeting.  But it is ever-present in the day-to-day hardships of life.  Like Ash, we can find happiness amidst the struggle of this year.  And I believe that happiness begins with the pursuit of knowing ourselves, of loving ourselves, and, in turn, of taking care of ourselves.

So please, dear readers, know that there is an eccentric twenty-something-year-old woman in the middle of small-town America who appreciates your kindness, your encouragement, and your love.  I hope and pray each of you continues nurturing the most important relationship each of us will ever have:  our relationship with ourselves.

I purple you! 💜

xo K

PS. Keep an eye out for new content from me.  Soon.


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