chapter 20

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Ash's hand clammed up in Namjoon's firm grip as he purposefully led her toward the living room. If he noticed, he didn't say anything. Ash was grateful for that. She was fully prepared to suppress every ounce of panic she felt, because this was no biggie.

She was just, you know, going to chat with Namjoon's world-famous bandmates and best friends.

His best friends who had already met her – which felt like two eternities ago – and who now likely held the knowledge that Namjoon's dick had just been down her throat.

Yeah, no biggie at all!

As they neared the living room, Ash internally crossed her fingers and toes that the men that had occupied the couch earlier were somewhere else. Maybe the universe would cut her a break and her and Namjoon could just enjoy the rest of their evening together, embarrassment and discomfort thrown out the window.

But, when the obnoxiously large sofa was back in view, the three men were still there, just as beautiful as they had been before. Except now, Jimin sat with them. His small frame was dwarfed by the lankiness of the others, but his presence was large as he very intently and very grandiosely told his bandmates a story.

Ash didn't speak Korean, but she knew exactly what story he was telling.

Namjoon cleared his throat.

All four of them snapped their heads to Ash and Namjoon standing there, their eyes immediately trained on their joined hands. Ash tried to pull her hand away, but Namjoon tightened his grip.

"Guys, this is Ash," Namjoon said, his voice upbeat and seemingly oblivious to the aching awkwardness hanging in the air. Ash figured that was intentional. With the hand that wasn't holding Ash in place, Namjoon gestured to each of the men in front of them. "Ash, this is Jungkook, Taehyung, and Jin."

The one who had greeted her earlier – Jin – gave Ash a small smile. It was almost pitying, like he felt bad for her and the situation she found herself in. The other two's expressions differed from what they had been when Ash first arrived. Before, they had been intimidating. Now, they were wide-eyed and curious.

"Nice to meet you," Ash squeaked and then awkwardly gave a half-bow. "Uh, also – sorry."

Jimin giggled and turned to the one with red-tipped hair – Jungkook, Ash recalled. With his mischievous eyes still on Ash and Namjoon, Jimin loudly said something again in Korean. Ash swore she could feel Namjoon heat up in embarrassment next to her.

"Yah, Jimin-ah!" Namjoon groaned, and the other three men raised their hands to cover their mouths as they manically laughed at whatever Jimin had said.

Ash recalled Namjoon's confidence in his room earlier when he had said that he was the leader, and that his bandmates answered to him. But as he began conversing with Jimin, Ash noticed Namjoon was the one whose voice seemed gentle and apologetic, and Jimin's sounded– well, it sounded defiant and a little remorseless.

For some reason this irked Ash, and she wished she could yell, 'YOU HAVE NO ROOM TO TALK MR. I-HAD-MY-DICK-DOWN-SUSIE'S-THROAT-A-FEW-DAYS-AGO!'

Unfortunately, Namjoon's Korean lessons hadn't gotten that far yet.

But before steam could start billowing from Ash's ears, Namjoon and Jimin's conversation shifted, and Namjoon started belly laughing. Ash huffed out a frustrated breath, tugging on Namjoon's arm until he looked down at her.

"What?" Ash snapped, and that only made everyone else's laughter intensify. She wasn't keen on losing her shit in front of Namjoon's friends, but she certainly wasn't above it. "Namjoon I swear – "

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