chapter 29 ⚠️

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Ash would be lying if she said her body didn't react to Namjoon's words and the way he said them.  His hands gripped her tightly, his long fingers clamped against her waist underneath her sweatshirt.  The way her legs were spread over his lap had her crotch settling snugly against his, and even though Namjoon held her in place, that didn't stop her hips from circling lazily against him.

"I'm not scared of you," Ash mumbled weakly. 

She felt Namjoon's teeth against the skin of her throat when he smiled.

"No?" he asked, and Ash barely choked back a yelp when he clamped those teeth around a mouthful of her flesh.


Part of Ash wanted to wriggle from his grip, and part of Ash wanted to tilt her head and bare her neck to Namjoon, to let him take more.  He didn't let his bite linger, releasing his hold after half a second, if that.  But it hurt, and the slight, throbbing sting had her throbbing somewhere else in no time at all. 

"How long 'til you go back to work?" Namjoon asked lowly, softly.  His lips were soft again, brushing right behind her ear as he soothed the spot he had just attacked. 

"W-what?" Ash asked dazedly, rolling her hips again and clasping him around his neck, holding him right where he was. "Why?"

Namjoon tried to pull back, but Ash just held him tighter, closer, not even considering letting him go anywhere.  In response Namjoon growled against her again.  The sound was almost a groan, raspy and rough in his chest. 

"Just answer me, brat," he snapped. 

Ash gulped.

"Like – two weeks? I think..." Ash replied, finding it difficult to form coherent and informative sentences. 

"Mm, good," Namjoon murmured. 

And then he took another swath of Ash's skin into his mouth.  But this time, instead of biting, Namjoon sucked – hard. 

His full lips formed a tight seal, and Ash felt blood rush to the area almost immediately.  It tingled under the surface, feeling like a million tiny and delicious pins and needles.  Namjoon's hot tongue swiped over the quickly bruising flesh, and all of it had Ash feeling overwhelmingly hotShe felt like her entire body had been dunked into a steamer, waves of sticky arousal pulsing from Namjoon's mouth on her neck to the rest of her.

When Namjoon's hands slid from her waist to her hips, encouraging their previous rhythm, Ash had to reach up, grab a handful of his hair, and pull him away with a wet pop.

"What – why – what?" Ash gasped, not even having realized her breathing had turned into panting.

Namjoon's gaze flitted from Ash's eyes, to her undoubtedly reddened neck, to her lips, and back.  When they met, Ash saw something claw its way to the surface, something she had never seen swimming behind those lashes before.

"Do you want me to stop?" he challenged.  "You always get your way, no?  Tell me to stop, and I'll stop."

Ash stared back at him, at his foggy glare and his puffy cherry lips and his little pink tongue as it darted out to wet them. 


She didn't answer with words; instead, Ash removed her hands from Namjoon's hair, reached down, and yanked her sweatshirt up and over her head. 

Namjoon allowed himself a breath, taking in the expanse of Ash's tanned, unmarked skin.

Then, he dove right in.

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