Part 1- UNdead

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Infiltrate.Eat.leave. Those were the words you lived by. You would infiltrate a small group and slowly divide them up against each other and then pick them off one by one. Leaving their corpses to rot in the base. You were infected but you were still human a new type of walker

You don't know how you became like this and don't really care but you can't remember a huge chunk of your young life ,so you think that has something to do with it

You couldn't control yourself and you felt guilt every time you killed someone , but you didn't want to find out what happens when you don't eat enough. For all you know you could turn into one of the mindless walkers slowly rotting away.

Right now this take place in season three but will continue into season 4

You infiltrated a group called Red Wolf pack. Just some random group that raids other groups.

Y/N:I would be doing the other groups a favor for getting rid of these idiots

You always tell yourself this to take away some of the guilt

It was night and you were with a girl (who you think the name of the girl is Ava)in a car that your group recently just stole and were making out with her

Ava : what do you say...we take this to the next level

You smile at her

Y/N: sorry honey...but I'm starving right now

She gives you a confused look but you quickly pounce on her and sink your teeth into her neck. She was about to scream but you quickly cover her mouth as you drag her down with you to the seat and break open her head and begin to eat her brain

After finishing your meal you let out a sigh as you pull out a napkin and wipe away the blood off your mouth. You open the door and step out to see the entire group waiting for you to step out with there guns pointing at you

Y/N:(chuckle) wow! You are way smarter then I thought you were!

Group leader: shut up!

He looks behind you and into the car and sees the poor girl you devoured and throws up a little and other people gag in disgust at the state of the girl

Y/N:(chuckle) what...I was hungry and plus she didn't pull her weight with the group

you say sarcastically

They have there fingers in the trigger about to fire at you but you quickly pull out a smoke grenade from your jacket and pull the pin and throw it to the ground

The group is now firing into the smoke but is missing as you quickly run to the side to open the gate for the walkers to get in that the firing had drawn

You manage to get to the gate and open letting in the walkers.

Group member: behind us!!!

The group quickly turns around and starts firing into the horde of walkers. You slowly walk back into the horde of walkers and salute with two of your fingers goodbye and turn around to walk into the woods as screams fill the night sky...

Dead love-clementine x male reader(CANCELED)Where stories live. Discover now