Part 13- A new day

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It has been a week since you met Sarah and things have been going your way. She gotten more relaxed around you and talks to you normally about her day and how the camp is doing.  She tells you about all the drama going on inside the base and how people are getting angry at the leader for not having enough food to spare and how they are starving. They have planned your execution for tomorrow. Death by hanging. Some of the people also want to rustle you up before your execution

Sarah: could they just kill you like a wild animal

Y/N: people aren't always at their best at times of crisis. They make rash and stupid decisions

Sarah: our leader Jason won't let them kill you. He says"he's going to make you suffer instead of having a nice and quick death"

Y/N: wow-that sound lovely

Sarah chuckles slightly 

Y/N: you look... beautiful today

Sarah blushes

Sarah: thank you

Clementine enters your mind. You wonder if she was telling the truth that day it was she just lying to protect her and Aj 

Sarah says her goodbyes and leaves leaving you by yourself.waiting


You are awoken by shouting. You tiredly open your eyes and the room becomes more clear. A guard enters the door hastily and quickly slams it behind him. He turns around now facing the door aiming his gun at the door slowly backing up. Five people enter the room armed with pipes ,bats and machetes.

Guard: STAY BACK!!

Three of them rush towards the guard and he easily takes them out with his gun. The last two were both armed with bats, ready to attack. One of them throw the bat at the guard hitting him in the head. While he was stunned the last two attacked pushing him against the gate that held you ,and the keys get loos off his belt and fall to the ground. While the last two were fighting you made you way to the keys. You try and try but it was just to far away then the guards foot kicked the key closer to the gate allowing you to grab it.

You quickly unlock the chains around your hands and feet. The two men finally defeat the guard and search him for they keys to the cell. While they were searching for the keys you unlock the door and kick it open hitting them both from the back. They stand up ready to fight you ,and you step out of the cell and look at the both of them

Y/N: I would leave if I were you

As you say this your eyes go red. They're shocked by this and look at each other and stand there ground 

Y/N: I warned you

They both charge at you and you block of them attacks and punch one of them right in the stomach knocking the breath out of him. The other charges with a right hook but you quickly put you left arm up and block it and punch him right in the face making him fall back and hit his head hard on the cement busting his head open. The other stand up and looks at his friend petrified then looks back at you. You see the fear in his eyes but he quickly runs out of the room.

You look at the guy with his busted open and stare at the blood wanting to eat him but you save your appetite for someone else. You open the door to see chaos as guards and citizens fight each other. Bodies cover the floor but one of the bodies look familiar. You look closer and see Sarah dead with a bullet wound on her head. Her cold dead eyes stare at you. It freaks you out a little bit but you continue on

Some guards and civilians have tried to attach you but they fail every time. One guard points a pistol at you up close and has his finger squeezing the rigger but before he could fire you smack his wrist with your right hand and with your left you turn his hand to face him so he lets go of the gun. You shoot him dead in the head and continue on looking for Jason 

Eventually you find him but guards circle him protecting him form everywhere. Now some of the civilians have got some of the guns from dead guards and others have Molotov's. One of them lights a Molotov and throws it at the circle of guard setting most of them ablaze. The others fire at the now opened part of the circle killing off most of the remaining guards 

The last few do there best to protect their leader taking out most of the people attacking them but ultimately die. The leader pulls out a custom designed pistol and shoots at the rest of his attackers killing them. He spots you in the chaos and is filled with anger and hatred. He drops his gun and pulls out his knife. You pull one of a dead guard. Both of you stand there waiting to lunge towards each other. You both run towards each other at the same time and he lands the first blow down across your eye but not damaging the eye just the top and bottom part that surround it (like anakin's) you take a few step back and put your hand up to your eyes and feel the blood oozing out.

You look at him angrily and charge at him and you catch him off guard knocking him and his knife to the ground. You jump on top of him and try to stab his heart but he fights back. You keep on putting more and more pressure on his until the knife princes his skin. He lets out ask all groan as you continue to let the blade sink deeper into his body. He becomes more weaker and eventually loses the knife fully goes into his heart. He lets out a groan. His eyes are scared and he starts to tear up as he looks up into the clear sky thinking of his son

Jason: I'm coming-son

He lets out a final breath as he dies. You look at his dead body with glee and are about to eat him but Clem enters your mind. You remember the woods and how afraid she looked as she saw you covered in blood. You refrain from eating him and pull out the knife and stab him in the head to make sure he doesn't come back. Just as you are about to leave you spot something red on his back. You flip him over and see your devil mask. You smile as you examine it, he kept it clean. You look at your clothes that are teared and have dried blood stains on them. You see Jason's home and go searching for some new clothes ,and he had some that fit you that probably...belonged to his son. You put them on anyways as you have no other option and leave the house. You now scan the deserted base and spot Sarah. You feel bad and so you bury her so nothing can eat her

After you finished burying her you look out into the forest and can only think of one thing or rather person...Clem. You look down at you Red Devil mask and then put it on and walk towards the woods heading towards the direction you hope is the school.

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