Part 7- Trust issues

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Night time

You and Clem are still walking through the forest. Clem is keeping a safe distance from you . You look back at her while still keeping your head forward and see that she still has her gun in her hand.

You look back and let out a sigh

Y/N: you know...I'm not going to kill you. So you can lower your gun

Clem remained silence and she still had her gun. You let out another sigh and continue to walk deeper into the forest

5 mins later

Your still walking in the forest and the silence is killing you. You don't know what to say or how to say it

Y/N:say something...say anything!

You turn around quickly causing Clem to let out a gasp and aim the gun at you. You raise your hands

Y/N: easy trigger finger

You look directly into her eyes and she stares back into yours ,and she slowly lowers her gun and you lower your hands

Clementine: what...are you

Y/N:I don't...really know-what I am

Clem just stand there confused and processing all that has happened

Suddenly a noise is heard in the forest

You and Clem both get behind a bush and you can slightly hear two voices chatting

???: I swear I saw someone over here

???: you must've saw wrong...There's no one over here

You look to Clem

Y/N: go to the school...I'll catch up

She looks at you for a second and slowly turned around and as quietly as possible started walking the way to the school

Once Clem was out of view you looked at the two figures and were still far away from you ,so your decided to do one of your favorite tactics

You slowly stand up and slowly start to walk and making groans

The two men quickly look at you and aim their guns at you but lower them when they see you just walking slowly to them

???:it's just a walker, better not to waste any ammo

They start to walk towards you as you do the same making sure to limp. You wait a little while then slowly start to run towards them

They looked surprised and tried to pull out their guns but it was already to late as you had already pulled out your knife that was tied to your pants and leap into the air and land on one of the man killing them

You quickly turn around and hit the other guy on the arms causing his gun to go flying in the air. You go in to stab him but he grabs your hand. You try to swing your other but he grabs that one too

With no other option you swing your head to his neck and bite into his neck making him to make a deathly scream. You pull back taking out a chunk of his flesh

He looks at you terrified. He slowly puts his hand to his neck and blood overflows his hand and he falls to the ground...dead

The was to familiar...blood. The smell filled your nose and had your mouth watering. You try to stop yourself but you couldn't control yourself

Blood rushes to your eyes and all that was won your mind was flesh. You let out a small growl and look down at the man a pool of blood had formed

You quickly get down and start to tear into the man


You look up and scan the area for what made that noise. You couldn't see anybody so you went back to devouring the man

After awhile you stood up and looked at the man. He had a huge whole in he's chest and most of his guts were missing. You looked down and saw you again covered in blood and you smelt bad from all the blood


You then look up and after looking around again and went in the direction of the school...

So I know it's been awhile since I last updated but that because school is taking up most of my time and I lost the felling of continuing my story but it has finally come back and I'll try to update regularly

Dead love-clementine x male reader(CANCELED)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora