Part 9-Road to Redemption

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You awake on the roof again. As you sat up you felt the pain on your back caused by the roof. You stand up and stretch your whole body and a loud crack is heard

Y/N: Jesus, that felt great

You look at the sky and see the sky is riddled with puffy clouds. You smell a strong stench coming from your shirt you look down and see that dried blood stains are still covering it

Y/N: shit

You get off of the roof and enter the admin building to look for clothes. You searched each room but sadly found nothing. The next room was Clem's ,and you didn't want it to be weird if you walked in in her without her knowing so you slightly knocked on the door. No response came

So you opened the door quietly and saw both Clem and AJ were both asleep. You looked in the closet and surprisingly found clothes! that smelt somewhat decent.

You grabbed them and swiftly took off you clothes. First you took off your shirt and placed the new one on ,then you began to unzip your pants ,but a feeling stopped you from pulling down your pants

You look over to Clem just to make sure she is asleep and not awake watching you. Once you confirmed she wasn't awake you began to take off your pants and quickly put on the other

You look at the clothes that is covered in blood and smells like it was dumped in a bucket full of fish guts. You exit Clem's room and are now outside of the admin building and are deciding what to do with the old clothes. When an idea comes to your head

Y/N: why not just burn the clothes

You go to your bag which is full of various items you collected over the years and one of them was a lighter . You search through your bag and finally find it at the bottom of the bag

Burning the clothes inside the school would be a dumb ideas because it would expose your position and something might catch on fire so you leave the school to find a safe location far away from the school

30 mins later

You feel like you're far enough from the school and throw the clothes in the ground taking one last look at the clothes before igniting the lighter and throwing it on the clothes setting it ablaze

Another 30 mins later

You arrive back at the school to see some people awake but not everyone. Not wanting them to question where you were you decide to sneak in. You head to side of the school walls where no one was. You take some steps back and run towards the wall and use your right foot as a boost as you push off the wall sending you forward and then use your left to stabilize yourself as your hand reach for the bars on top of the wall and manage to grab them

You pull yourself up and jump inside of the school and no one seem to noticed

???: hey

You feel your heart skip a beat as you turn around to see Clem standing there as if she was waiting for you

Y/N: Jesus-don't sneak up on people , you could get killed!

She chuckles and locks eyes with you

Y/N: umm...Is there something you need

Clementine: oh-uh yeah I need you to go on patrol

Y/N: ok

You stare deep into her eyes until you look away and clear your throat

Y/N: I'll see you later

Clementine: yeah

You both block each other and then you blocked each other again until you steeped out of the way and let her pass by. You look back at Clem and lick your lips as you walk off to the gate

I think I figured out when I'll be updating it'll either be Sunday or Saturday but since I have all next week off I might upload more than 2 maybe and next update will have some flirtatious stuff also thank your for reading my story and as always I hoped ye enjoyed!

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