Part 18-Broken memories pt2

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That memory you had this morning had been stuck inside your head, constantly replaying. The thought of the waffles made your stomach growl with hunger. The thought of this made you feel more...human? You weren't craving flesh or brains but food that regular people would eat, food that you used to eat. You looked up in the sky to see two lonely clouds slowly drifting away from each other. It reminds you of how things were with clementine, like how you felt about her and how you know she felt.

You look back down at the empty city you were in that you heard clementine was in from a guy who had "supposedly" know  where she was taken. You sigh knowing that this was a lie among the many other lies you have heard of clementines whereabouts.

Y/N: fucking asshole! More time wasted looking in this empty shit hole place!

The angers and frustration of not even getting a clue of where clementine was farting to you. To cool down you decided to listen to a random song (insert who wants to live forever by Queen ,enjoy last song ever) 

The music fills your ears as your lent up frustration started to go away. Having no idea where to go you decided to pick a direction and hope it lead to a clue of where clementine is. You decide to head in what you hope is the direction of North. It lead you to an open field with tall yellow grass?(wheat) You walked through the grass and let your arms run through the grass, bending it easily but not breaking it. It oddly gives you a sense of what peace would feel like and with the music playing it just felt...right....but something isn't right, it feels wrong, like that feeling of peace is wrong and it's just an illusion. You stop walking, pause the music and remove the headphones, and listen.

It's don't hear walkers, humans or anything just pure silence..... it's not right somethings wrong......SNAP! The hair on your body rises as you turn around to see a giant black bear with arrows surrounding its entire body. Once the bear knows it's discovered it lets a growl and stands up on its back legs. As the bear rises a shadow is cast over your entire body.

Y/N: oh shit

The bear lets out a loud and terrifying roar as it looks down at you 

Y/N: what should I do, should I play dead or fight back, fuck I thought all the bears would be dead

Y/N: fuck it

You pull out your AR and start to bring it up to shoot at the beast but he knocks you down with it's huge ass paw. The gun goes flying away from you. You look at the the bear then to the gun and run towards the gun but the bear beats you to it and hits you again

Y/N: he's toying with me

The bear runs towards you on all fours and is on top of you within seconds and already trying to take a bite out of you.

Y/N: so this is what it feels like, karmas a bitch!

The Adrenalin starts to pump through you as you feel yourself get more stronger and...hungry. The bear keeps getting closer and the bear pulled back it's head and thrusted towards you again with its mouth wide open barreling towards your head but you get your hand and dig your hand deep in its eyeball making blood flow down you're hand . The bear lets out a painful roar and backs up.

You recover and get back on your feet and then you feel it again...the hunger. You looked at the bear and saw only food. You unintentionally let out a growl and lunge at the bear, but before you hit you could see the look in it's eye and knee it far to well...fear. You hit the bear knocking it over and try to rip open it's neck but the bear fights back with al of its might almost hitting you with its paw but missing and ultimately it was its last move as you successfully ripped out its throat.

Without even pausing you cut open the bear and begin to eat it. You pause with a chunk of meat in your hand as you look into it's black soulless eyes. It would've done the same thing to you if you had lost...devouring you without a second thought. Although you didn't leave unscathed Claw mark were all over your body and your IPod was broken. The adrenaline was starting to wear off making your body feel tired. Your vision was getting fuzzy and blackness overcame your eyes...

Y/N.....Y/N...Y/N you ok. You opened your eyes to see your father 

Dad: you ok?

Y/N: dad? Ye-yeah I'm ok

Dad: good you were moving in your sleep and breathing heavy, are you sure you're ok?

Y/N: yes dad, I'm fine

Dad: ok...Y/N you know me and mother would do anything for you?

Y/N: yes?

Dad: good, I love you Y/N

Y/N: I love you too 

Dad: ok, you should go back to sleep you got school tomorrow 

Y/N: ok night Dad

Dad: night 

You turned around on your bed and put your head on your pillow and closed your eyes sainting to fall asleep.....when you woke up again it was night and you weren't on your bed anymore instead you were laying right beside a dead bear. 

Y/N: so those are my parents... wh-what happens to me?

Ok I got your past now and let me just say it's pretty fuckin depressing but this is sad beginning with hopefully a good ending also I started doing this when I was 12 and am by myself writing this which is why it takes long to upload but other than that I hope ye enjoyed

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