Part 14- setting sun

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You don't know how long it's been and really don't care all you have on your mind is clementine. You can hear your stomach growl and your unwanted desire for flesh start to kick in. You let out a sigh as you think of that moment again. When clementine saw you covered in blood and the red in your eyes. She probably saw you as a monster someone completely different than she originally saw you to be. You stomach let's out another growl, you can't take it anymore you must have something. 

Your vision is becoming hazy with a slight hint of red. You don't want to be reminded of what you become when you smell blood, but you also do t want to become a mindless, soulless thing. You too dead in your tracks and close your eyes and listen. You hear the sound of birds chirping safely in there branches. The sound of the walkers flood your ears, but finally you hear the sound of a steady river. You open your eyes and head towards the direction of the river where you hope there are fish. After passing by some thick brush you see the river with dark little shadows steadily going down the river

Y/N: sorry

You plunge both hands into the river and instantaneously pull out two fish. You immediately kill and de-gut them and look for anything to start a fire with but you couldn't see any sticks or dry grass. Slowly your vision begins to turn red and your breathing becomes more aggressive as you look down at the dead fish. You bring one up to your mouth but stop before you can take a bite. Your hand begins to shake as you fight yourself for control. Finally you pull the fish away from your mouth and let out a long sigh. You sit down on a nearby rock and drop the fish. You bring your hands to your face. All of the decisions you've made all the mistakes have led you here, alone, hopeless, and dreary.Out of nowhere someone shoved you down to the ground and you hear a click behind you.

???: mmmhhh what have we here. Fresh meat

The man flips you over to see your slightly dusted red devil mask. The man is surprised at first but soon he takes it off of you and throws it to the side while the gun is still aimed at your head.

???: ooohhh we got a pretty one 

Y/N: you fuckin sick bastard!

You try to sound intimidating but it has no effect

Herbert: oh ho we got a fighter 

He smacks you in the face and gets his other hand and tries to unbuckle your pants. At this point your eyes are blood red fuming with anger and hatred.

Y/N: You know what who's gonna miss you

The man looks back at you in anger and raises his hand to smack you again but stops when he sees your eyes and he freezes in fear. You smile deviously and take this opportunity to push him off of you and pins his arms to the ground. 

???: ahah-ahah Let me go demon

Y/N: demon (chuckle) 

The drool that has formed in your mouth began to leak onto the man. The fear in his eyes and scared expression it reminds you of how clementine looked at you when she saw you for what you truly are. You hesitate

Y/N: why do I care what clementine thinks, she doesn't even love me 

You look back down at the man the fear still in his eyes

Y/N: eh what the hell

You open your mouth and go right for  jugular vein on his neck. The man lets out a horrific sound of death as you tear into him. You move down to his skinny stomach and begin to rip open his stomach and  reveal all of his internal organs. You sit right back on the rock and  grab his intestines and begin to munch down on it like spaghetti. You look towards the sun and see it is dawn

Y/N: what a beautiful sunset 

You take another bite out his guts.

Hey yeah it's me. I must sincerely apologize I have failed you viewers as the author and have decided to make this the last chapter of my book.....JK ha you though ,but really I apologize for not making any chapters and I have fallen behind again. The people who release almost daily are SawTooth and Flay so wow but Curse is able to manage so many stories it's insane. Anyways thank you all for reading my story I really enjoy reading your comments they make me laugh especially SteamedToast dudes fuckin hilarious anyways I hope ye enjoyed

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