Part 15- just like old times

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You were starting to go back to your old ways of ,but know you had a much more improved tactic infiltrate,decive,betray, and eat. Who know such a simple tactic could be so devastating yet beautiful at least in your eyes. A new group had decided to adopt you in to there community which was a mistake for them. You were getting to know the leader's daughter who showed quite an interest in you.  You let out sigh as the leader's daughter reminds you of that other girl from that red something gang. 

Alison: so what do you say, Y/N. Wanna hit it off

Her voice brings you out your thoughts. You turn your attention to her and look her right her dark brown eyes

Y/N: I would love nothing more ,than to be with you Avery

Alison: Alison

Y/N: right, Alison 

She leans in for a kiss even though you called her someone else

Y/N: she must be desperate  

You roll your eyes and close them as you also lean in 

Man 1: I heard a school full of kids got attacked and the whole place got destroyed by some group 

Man 2: really, damn that's harsh 

Man 1: I heard they had it comin

When you hear this you stop dead in your tracks. Alison opens her eyes curios as to why you stopped

Alison: what's wrong 

She places her hand in your cheek. You ignore her and continue to listen

Man 2: what happened to the kids?

Man 1: don't know don't care

Y/N: it could be some other school there were a lot of schools

Man 2: do you know what the place was called?

Man 1: Erica's or Ericsson's school for something

Y/N: dammit

You take Alisons hand and get her hand off your cheek

Y/N: sorry ,but I don't this'll work out

You stand up and walk towards the men. Alison lets out an annoyed scoff and stays seated. You reach the men with an angry expression

Y/N: what was the group called?

You ask with a serious tone. 

Man 2: excuse me 

Man 1: sunrise I think

Man 2: hey! You don't have to answer to this kid

You furrow your brow at the man

Man 2: I think you need to learn some respect

Y/N: guess I'll just have to speed things along, oh well

Man 2: what did you say?

The man puts his hand on your shoulder.You let out a chuckle as you close your eyes and put your right hand around his arm and squeeze. The man is trying to get out of your grip.

Man 2: hey kid let go of me!

With your other hand you reach behind you and grab your devils mask and put it on while your eyes are still closed. The man is dumbfounded as to why you pulled out a mask but he still persists not backing down.

Man 2: I warned you!

The man brings back his clenched fist and swings at you. You grab his hand mid swing and you open your eyes to reveal your blood red eyes. The man has gone completely pale as he looks in horror at you. 

Y/N: bad move

You look at the man with a sinister smile as you bring him closer and bite his neck. The man holds in his pain as you continue to bite his neck. You throw his dead body at the table where he was sitting. The other man is in panic at seeing his friend dead on the table. You look towards the man and see his expression. You bring your hand to your side and pull out a throwing knife and throw it directly at his head killing him instantly.

Security guard: Hey you! Stop!

You turn your hand and let out a sigh and with your other hand you smoothly pull out your pistol  and shoot at the security guard and hit him in the chest. You hear a loud scream as the body drops and you quickly point the gun at Alison ,but don't shoot

Y/N: what to do with you?hmm

You look at her in the eyes and you see clementines' eyes. You haven't realized this because you weren't really weren't paying any attention to her but she kinda of looks like clementine. Your caught off guard and your hand slightly shakes. You lower your gun 

Y/N: Go...before I change my mind

Without a second thought she gets up from her seat and runs away from you. You think about how you hesitated and clementine. You remember how she used to make you laugh and how comfortable you were with her ,and you think of the kiss , but she said it was a mistake and kicked me out.

Y/N: (sigh) girls are confusing 

Security guard: Drop it!

You look at the man to see him backed up by the entire security force which really didn't have that many people.

Y/N: here we go again...fellas, I'm sure we can work this ou-

You begin to shake wildly and your breaths become quicker. You shakily point behind the security guards. They all look behind them to see nothing. You stop shaking and point your gun at the leader and fire hitting him in the back of the head. The other look in shock at their dead captain , but before they could react you shoot at them and hit them all in various spots. The last guard had quick reflexes and was had his gun pointed at you but you luckily shot first. When the security guard hits the floor you hear something crack. You go to his body and flip him over and under his body was an iPod 

Y/N: wow, luck bastard well not anymore

It had a crack that went from the top right to the bottom left.

Y/N: here's hoping 

You press the power button and see that it's still working 

Y/N: fuck yeah

You put the iPod into your pocket and head towards the exit to look for the kids at Ericsson's but more importantly clementine but as to why you don't know.

So this story was kinda dark but it'll get much darker as you search for clementine like it'll get gorier is what I mean and also expect music that you can listen to but you don't have to I won't add it to the story I'll just say the song and you can listen to it because listening to music in the story doesn't work and the music will be old since the apocalypse happened I think 2009 anyways I hope ye enjoyed

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