Part 6-I can explain

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Clementine stood there in shock as the blood washed down the stream and the blood stains created a horrible smell. There was also some blood stains around your mouth from the deer

And you just stood there just looking at her thinking of what to say and how to say it



Y/N:Jesus Christ Y/N

Before you could say another word clementine raised the gun and aligned the sights with your head

You put your hands up and freeze

Y/N:Clem...I can explain

Clementine:don't call me that!

Her hands was skating wildly and a single tear ran down her cheek. It becomes silent not a single word is spoken all you can hear is your breathing

Clem's hand is shanking more and then she dropped the gun and turned the other direction and started to run. Her steps echo through the forest as distant groans are getting louder and louder. Until you can see walkers approaching clementine

Y/N:dammit...Clem wait!

You start to chase after her as she is trying to avoid the walkers surrounding her

Adrenaline surges though you and you gain speed ,getting closer to Clem

Clem pulls out a knife and starts to kill the walkers near her but a walker is approaching from behind her

You finally get to Clem and kill the walker behind Clem with a nearby rock. The rock is sharp and small and an idea hits your head

You quickly cut your hand and jump onto clementine pushing her down to the ground where her back is on the ground

You look at clementine to see her blushing. She opens her mouth about to speak but you block her mouth by putting one finger in the middle of her lip

You slowly move your right hand to her face and spread some of your blood across clementines face. She protests but you would rather her be alive then be one of those mindless things

You get to her right check and smear the blood and then look up to see the walkers wondering around confused to where there meal went to

They start to wonder off to other directions but some still remain just standing there

You then look back at clementine to see her staring at you. You look back at her and look at her beautiful hazel eyes. You then realize your right hand is on clementines cheek you rub her cheek with your thumb slowly

You look back at clementine to see her blushing even more but she doesn't send you a signal or protest in any way for you to stop what your doing

You then lean in closer to her and she goes wide eyed and her breathing fastens but you miss her lips and go to her ears

Y/N:*whisper*we should get back to the group

Then you lean back up to see her confused face. You then stand up and look around to see that there were no more walkers around

You look back at clementine and extend your hand for her to take. She hesitant at first but soon takes your hand and you help her stand up

Y/N:come on we should get back...before it gets dark

You then start walking but clem stands still reluctant to move

Y/N: *seductive tone* or we could stay out here by ourselves...alone for the entire night

You devilishly smile at Clem

Clem rolled her eyes but her cheeks were slightly red but you barely saw this as she tried to hide it. She soon started to walk with you down the path back to the school but kept a distance from you still wondering what she saw...

Dead love-clementine x male reader(CANCELED)Where stories live. Discover now