Part 8-Outcast

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Clem's POV

Y/N: go to the school...I'll catch up

You debate whet your not to listen to him ,but the footsteps were getting closer so with out saying anything you turned around and crept in the direction of the forest

You walk a short distance so Y/N or the bandits don't see you. You crouch beside a tall bush and wait to see what happens

You see Y/N walk out of his position and slowly limp towards the men. You realize he's pretending to be a walker to get the jump on them . You hear one of the man say something and pull out a knife

Y/N began to pick up his pace and eventually started alto run towards the men and it ended in a flash with the last man getting eaten

The smell was terrible but the sight is what had your shivers up your spine. You watch in disgust as Y/N tears into the man pulling out his internal organs

You feel like your about to throw up as he pulls out a chunk of meat and eats it in his hands. You've had enough of seeing all the blood and guts and are about to leave when


You dash to tree that was right beside you and hold your breath. You peek over the tree and see Y/N staring at you...his eyes red with black veins surrounding them , and blood drips down his mouth

After failing to detect you he went back to eating the man. You slowly walked away creating little noise. Once you felt a safe distance away you ran back to the school as fast as you could

The thought of Y/N behind you about to catch you made you run even faster. You finally reached the school and calmed down. You entered the school and went to your room and saw AJ was awake and pacing around the room

AJ: Clem!

He ran towards you and almost brought you down as he hugged you

Clementine: easy there goofball

AJ: where have you been

Clementine: I was...helping Y/N with something

AJ let go of you and said

AJ: what were you helping him with

Clementine: uhh...I was helping him with-

Y/N: she was helping me get a better sense of the area

His voice scared you and you put AJ behind you. Y/N looked sad as you did this

AJ: why is there so much blood on your shirt Y/N?

Y/N looked down and you heard him litter under his breath

Y/N: shit...

Y/N: uhh...We saw a boar and we tried to kill it ,but it got away and got some pretty good hits on me ,but not a single touch on Clem

Clementine: yeah it was pretty gruesome

AJ: oh ok

Clementine: hey goofball why don't you head to bed while I talk to Y/N

AJ: (yawns) ok

AJ climbs into bed

You head out first and Y/N follows

You take a deep breath and face him

Clementine: you need to leave

Y/N remains silent

Clementine: we cant trust...I can't trust you after what you those men

Y/N looks up in surprise and looks down in shame ,remembering what he did to those men and all his other victims

Y/N: please, just give me another chance I-I won't hurt anyone here

you remains silent letting Y/N talk

Y/N: I'm not that thing you saw eating those men I'm nothing like that , but I can't control myself when I'm hungry or smell's like I'm another person

Y/N looks into your eyes

Y/N: please, forgive me

You looks into his eyes and see he is nothing like that thing you saw earlier ,instead you see someone who is scared and lonely

Clementine: ....ok, you can stay , but no eating anyone that is in the group

Y/N: you got it

He says with relief

Y/N walks away to presumably go sleep on the roof and you open the door but glance back at Y/N and smile and enter the room

AJ is already passed out you kiss him on the check and go to your bed. You fall in the bed with a sigh of relief and you drift off.

Dead love-clementine x male reader(CANCELED)Where stories live. Discover now