Part 11-Morning grief

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Your eyes fluttered open and for the first time your back didn't feel like it was broken but instead your back felt great. You sit up and put your legs out of the bed and stand up. You look up to see clementine still sleeping

Y/N: she looks so peaceful

You turned toward the door and opened it as quietly as possible and closed it without making a noise. You head out of the admin building to see a beautiful sky with no clouds

You go to the gate and open it and close it and go into the woods to find something to "eat". You had been craving some blood and you were afraid sooner or later you would kill someone in the group like...Clem or Aj

1 hour later

You had been walking in the woods for a while when you finally saw it. A small camp with no more than 2 people inside. A weak gate with one guy patrolling inside of the base. They had cleared some of the tress creating an open space making it easier to shoot walkers that get to close for comfort.

You take off your shirt as you didn't want it to get dirty nor let Clem know what you were doing ,when she wakes up and doesn't see you

Y/N: now,how do I get I-

You're cut off by the sound of a click

???: turn around

You smile to yourself and the turn around looking frightened and are shaking. You saw a guy who was sort of buff and was taller than you

???: what are you doing near out territory

He asked in a deep and threatening voice

You remain silent while still looking scared out of your mind

He gets closer and puts the gun to your head

???: I asked you a question

You stopped shaking and smiled at him

Y/N: bad move

You quickly took your right hand and smacked the gun out of his hand and pushed him back. He fell to the ground but quickly got right back up. He came at you with a right hook but you ducked under it and hit him with a jab to the face. He took some steps back but regained his balance and came at you with a left jab you dodged to right and he hit you with a right hook

You fell to the ground and felt your jaw dislocate from your mouth. You stood up and turned around to face the guy and with your right hand you grabbed your jaw and fixed you jaw

The guy looked petrified , he was in complete shock of what he just saw ,so you took advantage of his shocked state. You felt the anger rise in you and all you could think about was his brain

The guy let out a small gasp

???: stay back...stay back!

With every step he took back you would take one forward. Until finally you jumped on him, pinning his arms to the ground. You could hear the mans terrified screams echo throughout the woods as you bit down into his neck. You went down to his stomach and tarred into it ,with blood gushing out

The man was dead by now and you had already eaten half of his organs. When you head the sound of footsteps approaching you. You looked up to see 3 men approaching you that were heavily armed with m16's

They had already spotted you and were shooting at you but luckily all the bullets missed. You grab your shirt and run into the woods and hide behind a tree

The men stop in front of the guy you killed and you can hear one of the men

???: no no not my son...why my son!

You felt guilt like never before , the guilt of knowing that he will never be able to see his son again hit you hard by knowing were the one that caused this not some other bandit or walker but you.


The man yelled into the woods as you had already had been running towards the school with all the people you had killed reappearing inside you head and the screams that they made and their faces as you ate them

You make it back to school and open the gat e and slam it close. You turn around and slide down the gate thinking of all the people you killed. What did they do to be killed in such a horrible way

You had balked up and were crying which is something you never do because you don't want to look weak. After a while the tears stopped and you were just sitting there all by yourself

???: Y/N?

You turn your head drowsily and look up to see Clem watching you. You turn your head and wipe away the dried tear stains and put on a fake smile then stand up

Y/N: hey Clem 

Clementine: hey listen...I've been meaning to talk to you. About last night

Y/N: yeah I wanted to talk to you about that to

Clementine:  I think that...thing got out of hand last night and that it was a...mistake

Your barely beating heart shatters

Y/N: what!?

Clementine: my emotions got out of hand and I was in a moment of...weakness , and I can't trust you.

Your eyes begin to tear up again

Clementine: I don't know if one day I'll wake up to see you eating AJ 

You don't know how to tell right now. Angry or sad ,but you can't take anymore of it. You get up and look at her right in her hazel eyes with tears in yours 

Y/N: is that how you really feel

Clementine takes a moment to respond thinking in her answer. She looks down slowly nods. You turn around and head for the gate. Each step you take more and more anger and hatred fills you until you burst out the gate and into the woods with tears rolling down your cheeks. Your anger and hatred consume into a bling rage with your eyes blood red and you letting out growls. Everything that has ever happened to you runs through your head again

You run up to a tree and punch it as hard as you can creating a huge dent in the tree. You pause leaving your fist in the tree and taking long breaths. You shakily pull out your hand and see it filled with splinters. You hear a twig  snap behind you and you turn around to be meet with a metal bases ball bat that knocks you to the ground

???: I told you I'd kill you

Dead love-clementine x male reader(CANCELED)Where stories live. Discover now