Part 19- After

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It's been a year now since I fought that beat and saw my dad ,and I still have no clue how I became this way. I still haven't found any clue of where clementine is and it's driving me crazy how can someone just disappear like she did! I'm starting to think she's not even in the USA! During my time looking for her i found a small town that I've been staying at. I won't kill anyone there ,mostly because I'm sure most of them don't even have any brains ,but the bartender isn't that bad ,in a way I see him as a friend. His name is Arno and he's French l he got stuck here when the outbreak happened and never will be able to go back but as he tells me so often "there was nothing left in France for me" I'm pretty sure he was a criminal but who cares now..

Sorry for the short chapter just letting you know I'm still alive and I changed somethings about the past and I'll give a sneak peek since this is a short chapter-  

"I can't believe my mom and dad would do that h-how could they....why-why didn't they think this through...and because of their decision  I'm the reason for all of this everything that has happed is my fault!"

I hope he enjoyed

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