Part 10- game of love

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Y/N POV (same day)

You've been on watch since you have got back from burning your clothes and you were bored out of your mind. Watching the trees for any walkers is just boring

You observe the sky and notice how many stars there are. You never looked up there as much as you did before all this happened

Suddenly you feel pressure on your shoulder


You move your head to the right and look at Clem casually.

Y/N: hey Clem

Clem looks at you surprised that she didn't scare you

Clementine: how did you know I was coming

Y/N: I heard your footsteps

Clementine: oh.well anyways I wanted to tell you that dinner was ready

Y/N: ok ,thanks

You move your head back towards the sky and keep looking at the stars

Y/N: have you ever looked up the stars and see how beautiful they are

You hear Clem com closer to you and you can feel your heart rate increase and your breathing becomes tagged

Clementine: not really, I just never really had the time to be looking up at the stars ,but you are right they really are beautiful

You move your head to look at Clem and note how beautiful she looks with the moonlight lighting her face

Y/N: yeah... absolutely beautiful

Clem turn her head and stares locks eyes with you. All you can hear is hers and your breathing slowly intensifying. You began to lean in and Clem also leans in. You can feel her hot breath hit against your lips as your lips are about to make contact

Omar: Clem, Y/N would you hurry open you food is getting cold!

You both pull back and shift around awkwardly. Clem looks up and looks at you one more time and smiles at you before walking away toward Omar. You smile to yourself before soon following her

You got to Omar and get your food and see a seat across from where Clem is sitting. You walk towards the table and sit down right across from Clem. You see her choke on her food and this makes you smile as she is nervous.

She plays it off Cooley and continues to eat occasionally glancing up at you. You dip your spoon into the soup and pull it back out. You look at Clem and your tilt your head slightly and wink at her. She smiles at you and blushes slightly ,and then continues to eat

Throughout dinner you and Clem would both glance at each other. After dinner everyone headed for bed , you and Clem walked to her room and stooped right at her door. Clem turned around and locked eyes with you. You looked deep into her loving and caring eyes. Your breathing intensified but you didn't want get blocked again so you made the first move

You leaned in and kissed Clem slowly wanting to savor every moment of the kiss. You pull back slowly and open your eyes to meet Clem's. You look into her eyes to see if she wants you ,but Clem doesn't waste anytime she quickly pulls you back into the kiss this time more passionate and rough. You slither you're hands around Clem's waste and she puts her hand around your head and back pulling you in closer.

???: Clem?

You both stop abruptly and look to see who it is. You look to see AJ standing there confused out of his mind to what you two were doing

Clementine: aj!

Aj: what were you two doing


Y/N: we were just... discussing that maybe I should sleep with you guys

You look to Clem who was giving you a confused face so you nudge her with your elbow

Clementine: yeah...we were just talking

You look back over at Aj he was still unsure but went with it anyway

Aj: ok

Aj then walked into the room

Clem looks at you

Clementine: was that the best you could think of

Y/N: well the roof was starting to break my back plus I was on short notice

Clem chuckles slightly and looks at you up and down and then walks into the room

You let out a sigh of relief and walk into the room. There are two bunk beds one only has one bed but the other has two. Aj is already on the one with one bed and you see Clem climb up to the top bunk bed

Y/N: guess I got bottom

You go to the bed and lay down. You smile to yourself and lick your lips and start to doze off

Clem: Y/N

Clem whispered

You look over at her

Y/N: yes

You notice Clem cheeks are red

Clementine: can I...sleep with you

You become surprised

Y/N: really...I mean don't you think it's a little early for that

Clem rolls her eyes

Clementine: not that kind I meant can I get in bed with you so I can fall asleep

Y/N: oh...

You can feels yourself blush

Y/N: yeah, sure

She quietly climbs down and gets in bed with you. You scoot over to give her more space. Clem is facing Aj and you don't know what to do. You hesitantly move your arm around Clem's body until Clem puts her hand on top of yours and guides you to her chest

You scoot closer to her but aren't putting your pelvis right near Clem's but you can't help but think of it ,but you manage to keep yourself calm and eventually fall asleep...

Well that was interesting... but anyways next update will probably be tomorrow and somethings unexpected will happen but anyways as always I hope ye enjoy

Dead love-clementine x male reader(CANCELED)Where stories live. Discover now