Part 4-WAR

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Y/N pov

You and Clem walk out of the building and the bright sun shines right in your eyes blinding you for a sec. You finally get a good look at this new group. They were all just teens just like me with their own stories of survival written all over there faces

???:hi I'm Louis...but I guess you already know that

You look at him and then back at the crowd. Then a sweet aroma hit your nose. Your mouth watered and your stomach growled

The group notices this

Louis:I guess your hungry

You nod at him

He smiles at you and he signals his head to follow him. You happily oblige. Louis leads you to tables and a pot with the other teen you rescued

He looks at you and smiles

???:hi I'm Omar

He extends his hand out. You look at his hand then back at him and reluctantly shake his hand. He then goes back to stirring the pot and adding a few ingredients

He dips his finger in and puts it in his mouth. He smacks his lips around criticizing his work.Then a large grin appears in his face

Omar:it's perfect

A girl comes backs and hands out bowls

Everyone lines up in a single file line and waits to get there portion of food

Clem comes over to you

Clementine:hey Y/N want to come sit with us

She gestures to table with Louis and a girl with blonde hair

Y/N: sure

You follow clementine to the table and sit down right beside her

You look down to your soup and begin to eat. Each time you take a bite it only fills like a little bit of your hunger is being satisfied

You know exactly what you want...but you can't. This group is different it's not a bunch of ass hats wanting to start a war with another group

You look up from your bowl and look at the people and see they are staring at you but quickly look away.

After finishing your bowl that left you somewhat full Louis pulls out a deck of cards

Clementine:(sigh)again Lou

Louis looks up and smiles at clementine

Louis:I see you're excited(wink)

Clementine looks away and her cheeks light up a little. A feeling enters your gut that's you never felt before as Louis did this

Louis: alright today we will play a game that has been passed through the ages and cav-

???:skip the bullshit and let's just play

Louis looks at the girl with blonde hair and gives her a glare

Louis: great enthusiasm violet


Louis: the game is simple I pass out the cards and whoever has the highest card gets to our new friend here a question*He says with a cocky tone*

You give Louis a confused face but decide to go along with it

Y/N: sounds fun

Louis smiles at you and begins to pass out the cards

Louis passes out the cards

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