Chapter Sixteen

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Put your mushy sunglasses on cuz you're gonna say a lot of awwwns with hearts in your eyes.


As she recuperate at home waiting for  her heart to make peace with the fact that her lost memories are back, Rufaidah keep studying her books and making sure that she never miss a prayer or her lessons with the Islamic teacher. Ummi is always keeping her company after she comes home from school and she spend most nights with her whenever she complain of a headache. Zuby and Hajar visit her any chance they get.

She  haven't seen Al'amin since that night at the hospital neither has he replied her text message. She has so many questions to ask him, so many puzzles she wants to put in place but she vowed to never contact him until he do so himself. He has to man up and stop being a coward if indeed he truly cares about her. Yaya shams knocked on her door bringing her out of reverie.

"Got a minute sis ?" He asked coming in with a gift bag in his hands.

"When am I ever busy for you bro?" She joked tapping a space beside her on the lush carpet for him to sit.

"How are you feeling?" He enquired looking at her with so much love.

"Am okay now bros, the headaches hardly even come these days. I will resume work on Monday in shaa Allah. I've missed Mama and everyone too, so I'll visit them during the weekend" She replied toying with her ring.

"Alright, may Allah spare our lives till then" he replied suddenly looking nervous.

"You got something on your mind? You look nervous" she observed.

"Mhmm please don't get mad until you hear me out okay? I know you're an adult and everything and I'm not your father but just know that I will always have your best interest at heart and never hurt you no matter what" he rambled confusing her more.

"Okay shoot! I will hear you out"

"There is this close friend of mine that has been in love with you for a long time. He is scared that you might turn him down and he wouldn't be able to mend his broken heart that is why he asked me to speak to you first before he contact you. He is a good guy and one of the best out there and I trust him enough to know that he will never hurt you, not intentionally at least. He will be coming tonight so please give him a chance, if you don't like him don't hesitate to say so okay ?" Rufaidah was shocked to the extent that she left her mouth hanging open the moment Shams started rambling about someone liking her. She burst into a fit of laughter clutching her stomach.

"You can't be serious bros, you're so terrible at being funny. Yahsalaam! Are you that bored to pull off a lame joke like this?" She said in between fits of laughter. It was Sham's turn to be surprised.

"Am not joking Rufy  I am as serious as I've ever been with you. Why will I even joke like this ? We are talking about a prospective future husband for you. I want to take you away from this house, the bitter memories and negativity surrounding it and I can only do that by marrying you off to someone who loves you for the sake of Allah, someone whom am sure will take good care of you and help you heal. I can't continue beating myself for seeing you sad and trying so hard to act strong when I can do something to ease your pain"

"You think marriage will miraculously solve my problems? You think by just being in love or having someone that loves me will turn the world into a fairy land for me ? Am a mess Yaya Shams, nothing or no one can ever change that except Allah. Besides, I am so broken to give any part of myself to anyone, I don't know anything about family relationships and values. I have three brothers I haven't seen in ages, parents that have gone MIA for months, a gaping hole in my heart for the loss of a brother and  best friend. How do you expect me to be married and stay happy? Wouldn't it be unfair to my partner?" She wailed flailing her arms in frustration.

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