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"We should probably get back out there,  second period is starting and Ms. Fieldman told me you were in here and I don't want her to think that we are having-" 

"Okay, okay! I get it!" I cut Harry off.

I grabbed my backpack and my books turned off the red light and we walked out of the darkroom and back to our seats.

"Okay, hello class. We finished up our 2nd project for this assignment, so now we must start a new one," Ms. Fieldman announced. "The theme of this project is fear. Now, fear is not always an easy thing to understand, let alone capture. Fear is man's worst enemy. Fear is what stops us from doing what our heart desires. This assignment might have brought fear onto a few of you, the fear of failing, the fear of not getting into the magazine.

"Everyone is scared of something, everyone fears something. I want you all to take your time on this project, therefore, this assignment will be due at the end of next month. Do not be lazy and blow this thing off until a couple of days or weeks before the deadline. Most of you have done your projects separate, not letting others know what each of you are doing," She paused and looked at me and Harry.

"So this project is very collaborative. You have to be able to capture your partner's fear, as well as your own. Therefore, I expect 4 things from you. This extended time is to help each and every one of you discover your fears and nurture it. Make your fears, your art. Get to work, thank you." She dismissed us.

What do I fear? I'm scared of spiders, and heights, and pretty much any type of insect, but deep down at the very pit of my soul, what do I fear?

"What are you scared of?" Harry turned and looked at me.

"I'm scared of a lot of things, I just don't know what I fear. I feel like being scared and having a fear can mean two different things. Like fear, is a more extreme form of something that is scary." I explained, playing with my hand.

"Then, we can try a couple of things. We start off with the little things we are scared of, like spiders, or falling. And we go out and we experience those fears. That way we can separate our genuine fears from the little things that scare us."

"That's actually a really good idea." I smiled.

I was happy. As weird as it felt, I was happy to be around him. Sure, he drives me crazy from time to time, but he genuinely cares about me. I've started to see that recently. I grew lost in my own thoughts only to be pulled out of them when I heard Harry's voice.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes, yes I am." I smiled.

"Are you sure? You seem to be a little lost in your head?" He smiled, tapping his pencil on my forehead.

"I'm just thinking about stuff. Nothing to worry about, now go back to drawing or whatever you were doing before you decided to hit me on the head with your pencil."

"Meet me in the student parking lot after school, we can start our project then."


I decided to skip lunch today. The thought of having to be near Rain and Alexa made me shake with anger inside. After that, the day went by pretty quickly, and before I knew it, I was walking toward the student parking lot.

Harry was leaning against the trunk of the car with Juliet and Niall surrounding him. Oh boy, we are already off to a good start.

"It's Jade! Hope you're feeling better," Niall said as I was walking toward them.

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