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Harry's POV

I don't know why I didn't answer her. The answer was yes, it did mean something to me. It meant everything to me. But I was scared, I was at a loss for words myself. I was confused too. I could tell that she was scared to hear what my answer was going to be. I could see it in her eyes, I could hear the soft beat of her heart the longer I didn't answer her.

She quickly ran off, excusing herself and I wish I went after her, but I couldn't...I didn't. I ended up walking into the darkroom where not that long ago, the two of us sat in blissful silence and we simply existed in harmony. I sat alone in the darkroom. I pulled out my sketchbook and drew her. I did a quick outline of her face before I started drawing her in detail. I started with her eyes. It wasn't hard for me to capture the fear that was so evident within her eyes. My hand knew exactly how to draw her, I didn't even have to think about it.

I moved to her nose. And then soon to her lips. I can vividly see the way her mouth was parted as she waited for my response. It was hard to draw her this way. In a way that she wasn't happy or not aware of me capturing her beauty and transferring it onto a page.

And the thing is, I'm the reason for it. I should have just given her an answer. Maybe I just don't want to make myself happy. It seems kinda selfish, doesn't it? It feels wrong if I let myself be happy like I'm being conceited for allowing myself to be happy.

I'm relatively in a good mood, I can be an asshole, but I don't feel sad all the time. I don't feel angry all the time. I definitely don't feel happy all the time. I just feel normal I guess. But could being happy, like genuinely happy, could that make me weak? Does it make it easier for people to get under my skin? Does it make me vulnerable?

Jade's POV

It's been about 2 weeks since he basically said everything that happened between us meant nothing. I haven't ignored him or anything, but I can tell that I haven't acted the same around him, and I know he can tell too. We sit in silence for the most part. Me, pretending to do my work and Harry constantly drawing in his journal. 

Today, we sat in silence again. It was short-lived.

"I think we should find something else for the fear project," Harry says to me.


"Do you have any ideas?"


"Do you think Ms. Fieldman will have any input?"

"I dunno."

He just sighed and went back to drawing in his sketchbook. He hovered over it so nobody could see what he was drawing. I caught him glancing up at me a few times to see if I was peeking at his drawing. I wasn't. After a few moments of silence, he finally speaks.

"Can I come over today?"

"For what?"

"I have an idea."

"Okay, you can come over at 4." I give a small smile.


And with that, he goes back to drawing and I go back to doing nothing.


As soon as I got home from school, I started to clean up the house a bit. I wasn't sure what we'd be doing and where we would be doing it, so I wanted to make sure that my house was in tip-top shape before Harry arrived.

Soon enough, I finished cleaning and I had a couple of minutes to spare before Harry would arrive. I decided to spend that time scrolling through social media. Before I knew it, Harry was knocking at my door. I'm not going to lie, I'm a little nervous to be with him alone.

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