Day 6: Drawing Each other

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"Hey, that's not actually that bad," John says, looking at Sherlocks drawing of a dead body on the counter, "how come you never told me you could draw," Sherlock looks into his eyes.

"Because I can't, not really," John picks up the paper and Sherlock watches him from his chair.

"This paper says otherwise," he studies it longer, surprised at Sherlocks talent and how he could think that it's not good, it's a hell of a lot better than anything he could do.

John sets it back down and reaches into his work bag still hung over his shoulder, pulling out a pencil and a notebook, he drops the bag onto the floor and walks over to Sherlock, sitting in his chair and leaning forward.

"Draw me," he says and hands the paper and pencil to Sherlock.

"What?" he looks at John confused and John smiles.

"Draw me," Sherlock just looks at him, "Come on, draw me like your French girls," Sherlock's eyes narrow.

"John, she was naked in that scene," John laughed.

"I don't mean literally Sherlock," Sherlock smiles and John returns it.

"Why do you want me to draw you anyway? I don't know how," Sherlock begins again and John sighs.

"You do know how, and I just want you to," Sherlock shakes his head.

"I don't know John, what do I get out of it?" John thinks for a second and the other man stares into his eyes curiously.

"I'll draw you! You draw me and I'll draw you, an eye for an eye," John beams and Sherlock laughs.

"What the hell, fine," Sherlock says and John smiles, holding out the notebook and pencil, Sherlock takes it and reaches to the book shelve to grab a book for stability, he sets the notebook on top and holds the pencil, then looks into Johns eyes.

Sherlock looks worried, it's almost comical.

"How do you want me?" John asks and Sherlock raises his brows.

"It's uh, it's fine how it is, just tilt your head a little and turn it, keep looking at me though," John does as he's told and shifts his head just slightly, "Perfect," John smiles softly before making his face serious again, "wait, no, smile again," Sherlock says and John does so, giving a closed lip smile.

Sherlock looks down, "Okay," he breathes out, and touches the pencil to the paper.

Despite his nervousness he draws with sure strokes, and what emerges is the best thing he'd ever done. Johns pose is languid, a simple smile with eyes that radiate energy.

John watches Sherlock, the crease between his brows, his eyes darting up over the sketch book to look at John then returning to the page and focusing once again on the task.

After a while, once Sherlocks finished he flips the page over and returns the book to where it was in the bookcase before.

"I'm finished," John relaxes and Sherlock hands John the sketchbook, opened to a random page and not the one that had his drawing.

John starts turning to the page but Sherlock stops him, "Draw me first," he says and John smiles, nodding his head.

He takes the pencil and studies Sherlock, placing it down on the paper.

"Don't you want to position me first?" Sherlock asks and John looks up.

"Oh, right, um," John looks at him and thinks, "Alright, so cross a leg," Sherlock does, "and ruffle your curls, and then um, put your hands on the arm rests," he follows Johns orders and John smiles approvingly before looking back down at the paper and beginning again.

He takes his time, focusing on every detail, every crease, making sure everything's perfect. He finishes sooner than Sherlock did and leans back, looking at it and giving it the okay.

"Done, can I see yours first?" John asks and Sherlock nods hesitantly.

John smiles and starts flipping the pages, searching for the one Sherlock drew on, he sees a small bit of it and flips open the page.

He stares at it in awe, it was perfect, it looked like it had been taken by a camera, the shading was perfect, every little detail placed precisely.

"It's not that good, I'm not good at drawing," Sherlock begins when John doesn't say anything, how could he though, he was taken away by Sherlocks talent.

"Sherlock, this is amazing," Johns eyes continue to roam over the paper and he looks at Sherlock, "Do you seriously have no idea how talented you are?" he questions, Sherlock smiles at him, "Oh my God, I don't know what to do with this, I feel like I should frame it," John continues to stare at it.

"Let me see yours," Sherlock says and John looks for a minute longer before flipping the pages back, looking for the drawing he did.

"Okay, so as you know," he began while looking, "I'm not a great drawer, I've never drawn hardly anything before," he finds it and folds the pages back before looking into Sherlock's eyes, he watches them as he turns around the notebook.

Sherlocks expression goes from excitement, to confusion, and finally morphs into annoyance, he looks into Johns eyes.

"Are you serious?" Sherlock asks and John starts laughing, turning the notebook around to admire his work.

"What?! I think it's great!" he looks at the simple stick figure drawing of Sherlock, with abnormally long limbs and curly hair that looks nothing like the real thing.

"John, what the hell?" Sherlock smiles and John laughs again, beginning to rip out the paper.

"Here," he hands it to Sherlock, "you can have my masterpiece," Sherlock guffaws, "and I'll have yours," John turns back to the page Sherlock drew on and tears it out, once again admiring it.

"Don't ever tell me you're not good at drawing again," John says and looks at Sherlock briefly, he nods and smiles.

"Of course,"

"Sign it," Sherlock looks at John confused.


"Your autograph, put it in the corner, so anyone who might see it will know what it was drawn by you," he hands it back to Sherlock. He takes it and signs his name before handing it back, along with Johns drawing.

"You too then," he says and John complies, signing his small name in the bottom corner.


This isn't a deleted scene but it confused the hell out of me, I write all my stories on Docs and then put them on here so they're all together, ya know? Well, sometimes when I'm going to bed but I have an idea of what to do next I write some of it down, like paraphrase it, yeah? So I was looking through my Docs and there was this sentence that was capitalized, it caught my eye, so I went back to it and, "PLAYFUL COCKY BITCH BOI SHERLOCK, WHAT A FUCKING FLIRTATIOUS TWAT,"... I really don't know, and I'm slightly concerned. No context, no idea when it was, or why it was, and then it just went back to my writing nonchalantly. Like, OKAY.

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