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Friday, 5:40

Sebastian blinked himself awake tiredly, rubbing his eyes. "Why the fuck am I up so early? And why do I feel so fucking small?" he mumbled, before looking around the room and freezing.



Jeff yawned, looking at the clock. "What? I'm up way too early."

He brushed a hand through his hair, freezing.

"Oh, shiz."


Blaine stretched as he got up, checking the clock. "What? It's so early, I don't-"

He paused, stretching an arm out in front of him, which was much longer than it should be.

"Well, crap."


"5:40? Are you kidding me? That's so late, I'm going to be so behind," Wes muttered to himself, getting out of bed and nearly falling over, steadying himself on the bedside table.

He slowly let go of the table, attempting to stand.

"I don't believe this stuff, but unless I grew a foot taller in one night, something's really wrong."


Friday, 7:00

"Hey, guys, you seen Wes?" David asked, joining Kurt and Hunter at breakfast. "He's usually such an early riser."

Kurt shook his head. "Haven't seen Blaine either, nor Sebastian. We were thinking about going to check on them if they aren't down later."

"Yeah, that's smart."


Friday, 7:00

SS Is this all of us?

WM I hope so, cause I
wanna fucking know
whats going on

SS Ok, so Wes is Jeff,
Sebastian is Wes, I'm
Blaine, so Jeff is me?

WM What the fuck is that
supposed to mean

BA So:
BA = Jeff, me
SS = Blaine
WM = Sebastian
JS = Wes

JS Yeah

JS This is way too weird

WM Oh, just fucking great.
I said it'd be easy to be Wes,
I'm Wes. I didn't say I fucking
WANTED to be him

JS If you don't want to give
yourself away, refrain from
swearing with my mouth

WM Ya know, I could really
fuck you up right now

WM Get a piercing or something

JS Don't you dare.

WM I mean, I might be too late.
Like, am I imagining it or does
the great Wesley Montgomery
have a tongue piercing?

BA He what????

JS Tell anyone and I will get
Blaine to wreck you too

SS I would like to stay out of this

SS But to keep my cover am
I going to have to swear??

WM I'm loving this so fucking much

JS Sebastian, few rules;
-Don't swear
-Don't tell anyone about the
-Do not, under any
circumstances, contact my

WM Even if they text?

JS If they text, tell me and
give me my phone. They'll
know something's up at the
slightest misstep.

WM Alright.

BA Eh if my family calls you
can answer, Wes, or just say
something about Nick and they'll
immediately back off

JS Why?

BA Nobody supports 'Niff' more
than my parents. They ship us so
much, they don't want to get in
the way

JS I understand half of that but

BA Oh, if you're me, you're going
to have to know what shipping

WM So are we all just playing
sick today?

SS No, we all said how easy it'd
be to be each other, let's see
how this works out

SS Whoever keeps character the
best wins

BA Deal

WM Why the fuck not

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