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"You knew?" Hunter asked, dismayed.

Jeff laughed. "Of course I did. You really thought that was a normal day in the life of Nick and I?"

"Um... Yeah? I mean, you guys are, like, best friends."

"Yeah," Jeff said, as if that was exactly his point. "We hardly interacted. I just did homework and answered questions you asked."

Hunter looked confused but didn't push further.

"So, Sebastian caught Thad, Jeff caught Hunter- Um, Nick, did Wes figure you out?" Kurt asked.

He shook his head. "Not that I'm aware of. We talked and then he left for his parent's house." He paused. "Then he came back really late."

"Yeah, where are Wes and David?" Blaine asked, looking around.

Sebastian snickered, more of Blaine's neck being exposed as he looked around. "Blaine, you've got something on your neck."

Blaine reddened but didn't say anything, the hickey once again covered by his blazer.

Before they could say anything, Wes and David reappeared. Wes collapsed in an armchair.

"What happened to your ear?" Thad asked, alarmed. The was a bandage around Wes's earlobe.

Wes groaned, his head falling back against the back of the chair. "I pulled a Beyoncé."

"Your earring got ripped out?" Kurt and Jeff asked in sync, immediately looking at each other. Kurt was bewildered, Jeff going red.

"Shut up," he mumbled.

"I didn't say anything," Kurt pointed out.

"You were going to."

Thad shook his head, looking confused. "You have an ear piercing?"

"Had. It got caught on my blazer and pulled out. I had to get stitches." Wes sighed. "I'm exhausted. Before you ask, no, I wasn't at Dalton long enough to notice that David was actually Nick. About that, sorry I kissed you, one-kiss allowance or not."

Nick shrugged. "It's fine. I'm just glad you're okay."

"Okay, so nobody caught Nick, that leaves David. David, how'd you do?" Kurt asked.

"I don't think anyone caught me. I mean, it was pretty easy since Thad doesn't have a boyfriend."

"You're welcome," Thad replied.

"I mean, I still don't know how you survive without morning coffee."

Thad rolled his eyes. "I already told you, I get my own damn coffee."

"It's not the same," he sighed.

Wes laughed. "I'm sorry, I've spoiled him."

David sat down beside him, despite the chair being meant for one person, kissing him on the cheek. "You've spoiled me and I love it."

"No switching places anymore, alright?" Hunter asked.

Sebastian nodded. "Definitely. Although Kurt and Blaine seem to have had some fun yesterday."

Kurt rolled his eyes. "If you had a day where you knew nobody was going to bother you, tell me you and Hunter wouldn't do the same."


"We're definitely not switching anymore," David agreed. The others added their agreements.

Freaky FridayHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin