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9:00, Saturday Night

Nick had been beginning to fall asleep when he heard the door open. He pushed himself up, rubbing his eyes. "Hello?" he whispered.

"David! Thank goodness you're up. Can you help me?" he heard Wes whisper back.

He pushed himself up out of bed, flicking on the lamp so he could see.

Wes stood there, looking rather normal, except his slight limp and that one of his hands was covering his ear and covered in blood.

"Oh my- What happened?" he asked in alarm, leading him to the bathroom. He just barely stopped himself from taking the Lord's name in vain.

He looked like he was in a lot of pain. "I was in a hurry leaving, I totally forgot to take out my earring. My father wasn't too pleased."

At first Nick didn't get what he meant. Then he moved his hand to rinse the blood off of it, revealing his ear.

There was a tear in his it, the earring clearly having been forcibly torn out of his earlobe.

"Wes, you- you need stitches," he said, in shock. And to call Child Protective Services.

"Yeah? And how do I explain this?" Wes asked, distraught.

That's when Nick realized he knew.

He knew someone would call CPS if they found out what had happened.

"I- say the earring got caught on something," Nick made up. "It happened to Beyoncé once, her earring got caught in her hair and torn out."

Wes nodded. "Okay. Okay, yeah. How do you know that?"

"Kurt," he lied, holding some gauze around Wes's ear. Jeff was a Beyoncé addict but he didn't want people to know, knowing they'd tease him relentlessly. "Here, hold this in place. I'll drive you to the hospital."

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