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Wes was pacing Jeff's dorm when the door opened, startling him.

It was Nick. Of course. He was Jeff's boyfriend, and Wes was Jeff.

Sebastian's never going to give me a break after this.

"It really freaks you out, doesn't it?"

"Hm?" he asked distractedly.

"Friday the Thirteenth," Nick clarified. "Did Thad already prank you? He seemed to have a mischievous smile when I saw him."

"No, no, it's not... I mean, yeah, I am freaked out," he admitted, still pacing. His breathing sped up. "And anxious. Really anxious. Anxious and freaked out. I'm just freaked out and anxious."

Nick took him by the shoulders, making him stop pacing. "Hey. What's going on? I've never seen you this worked up before."

He was shaking. He couldn't stay in character. "It's a nightmare, Nick. It's all a nightmare."

'Hey, I'll help you. I promise.'
'With what? This? It's a nightmare, Nick. It's all a nightmare.'
'Don't talk like that. You're scaring me.'

Nick froze, hands sliding off of him. Wes set down on the bed, burying his face in his hands.

Guess I lose.


"I'm freaking out," he whispered. "I shouldn't have said how easy it'd be to he him, I shouldn't have."



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