533 24 10

Saturday, 5:40

Sebastian woke up with a headache, rubbing his eyes.

"Why am I asleep on tile?" he mumbled, pushing himself up. Pain shot through one of his arms and he fell back down with a cry of pain, pulling it to his chest.

One of his wrists was bruised, looking absolutely awful. "What the fuck happened?" he asked out loud, examining it.

Then he let out a sigh as he realized he was himself again.

"Se-" Hunter yawned- "Sebastian?"

Keeping his injured arm against his chest, Sebastian pushed himself up again with his good arm, opening the door. He was immediately engulfed in a hug from Hunter.

"Are- are you okay? You- I was so worried," Hunter said frantically.

Sebastian shook his head. "I'm fine. I feel like I have a hangover and I don't know what the fuck Blaine did to my wrist, but I'm okay."

"What- what do you mean, you don't know what Blaine did to your wrist?"

"It's a long story, and I only know a fourth of it."


Blaine woke with Kurt lying beside him. Relief washed over him as he realized he was himself again.

He looked over at Kurt, who seemed so peaceful. He kissed him on the forehead and fell back asleep.


"Look, why don't you guys get to the point and tell us what we're all here for?" David asked impatiently.

They had all gathered in the empty commons.

"You guys know how after the movie on Thursday, these idiots all made comments about how easy it would be to be each other?" Nick asked. "How- how Blaine thought it would be easy to be Sebastian, how Sebastian thought it would be easy to be Wes?"

"You already know?" Jeff asked.

"Wes told me. You really think I wouldn't know?"

David looked mildly ill. "Don't you dare. Don't you dare say what you're about to say."

Nick nodded. "They all switched places."

"Oh, my- Oh, fuck. So that- that was Sebastian?" David asked, looking disgusted.

"Just as unpleasant for me as it was for you, buddy," Sebastian responded.

"So, early in the morning we figured out who had switched and made a group chat," Jeff explained. "So Blaine, yesterday, was actually me. I was Wes. Wes was Sebastian. Sebastian was Blaine. Does that much make sense?"

David shook his head slowly, staring at the wall. "I cannot believe I tried to flirt with Sebastian."

"You what?!" Hunter exclaimed.

"In my defense, he- he was wearing my boyfriend!"

Wes patted his shoulder. "You make it sound so creepy, David."

"Wait, you're-" Jeff started.

"Yes, but my parents are homophobic so we kept it quiet, but now Sebastian knows, so we're telling the rest of you so you can enjoy how terribly awkward that situation was for them," Wes responded.

Thad shook his head. "Man, Wes, you do a really good Jeff impression. Like, I straight-up talked to you and you sounded exactly like him, I didn't question anything."

"So, who wants to share their experience first?" Nick asked. "J-"

"Did you cry because you felt guilty or because you didn't know?"

"Wh- what?" Nick asked.

But Kurt wasn't looking at him.

He was looking Jeff directly in the eyes. "Did you cry because you felt guilty or because you didn't know?"

Jeff shook his head softly. "I- I had no idea what was happening. When you said... When you pointed out I was bleeding, it was the first I noticed of them. I- I'd never do anything like that, I swear."

Kurt nodded, and Jeff knew he believed him.

"Oh, fuck," Blaine whispered. Everyone looked over at him, noticing he had paled. "You were me, so you..."

Sebastian subtly tugged his sleeve down around his wrist, shooting Hunter a meaningful look. He just wouldn't bring up that part. Blaine didn't need to know he left a mark, because Sebastian was pretty damn sure he didn't want to hurt him but was too stressed.

"I guess I can start," Jeff said. "I had a pretty uneventful day, I just stayed in bed all day and said I wasn't feeling well. I woke up today in my own bed, it was all pretty normal."

Sebastian chuckled. "I woke up, David came into the dorm a few hours later-"

"Remember, I thought he was Wes."

"-and we talked a bit before I got up to finish getting dressed-"

"Excuse me, you weren't dressed?" Hunter interrupted.

"Well, shirtless in Wes's body," Sebastian clarified. "It's not like it was actually me that was shirtless, and I think that's nothing David hasn't seen before. Odd detail none of you needed to know; Wes is surprisingly ripped. Anyway-"

"Wha- Surprisingly?" Wes asked defensively.

"You're a nerd, Wes. Anyway, I get up to get dressed, yadda yadda yadda, David hugs me from behind and freaks the fuck out of me, I try to apologize but he's not hearing it, he leaves."

"He did what now?" Hunter asked.

"If you think about it, the only part that was Sebastian was his mind," David pointed out, "and I complimented Wes's physical appearance, so I technically wasn't flirting with Sebastian, I was flirting with Wes."

Sebastian laughed. "Yeah, it's the equivalent of you walking up to me and saying 'Hey, Wes is looking pretty sexy today.'"


"I'm mocking you."

"Shut up."

Blaine shook his head. "I'll go next. Hunter just walked into Sebastian's dorm and we had a conversation I guess, but he started asking me why I was acting so weird so I locked myself in the bathroom because if he saw my expression he'd know I wasn't Sebastian. So I basically spend half my day in a dorm and the other half fighting with a boyfriend that isn't mine."

"And Wes? What was it like being Jeff?" Thad asked.

"So, I woke up and immediately started pacing-"

"Wait, Wes, you said you all woke up 5:40! I went to see you at ten!" Nick exclaimed, looking worried.

"Sorry?" Wes attempted. "So, I paced for four hours and twenty minutes and was pretty much having a panic attack by the time Nick came into the dorm. I was freaking out. So I told him that I was me, Wes, and not Jeff, and told him that Jeff was Blaine. Then I did have a panic attack. Then I heard that Sebastian had gotten David mad at me and met with him in the hall– really weird to have a conversation with yourself, by the way– and Thad walked up so I bullshitted my way through that before heading back to my dorm. That's it."

Freaky FridayTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon