chapter 7

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{Deku POV}

OhMyGodOhMyGoOhMyGodOhMyGod. Please let this not be a dreeeaaaam because if it is...I swear to All Might- OW

I was stuck in my thoughts when Kacchan slapped my thigh with his free hand. "Aah~!" I moaned. It didn't as much hurt me as much as it...pleasured me?? I was being the dominant one this time. "D-did that...did you e-enjoy that?" Kacchan ask- Wait! Did he STUTTER?! I grinned. "W-why are you looking at me that way..Izu?"
"So is 'Izu' my new nickname~?" I asked leaning towards him. "I-no I just.. uhm..just take off your shirt at the very least..." He whined. I got of the bed and stood next to him while taking of my shirt as he watched.

(Sorry for such short Deku POV but now for le 3rd POV!)

As Izuku took off his shirt, Katsuki touched Izuku's thigh, moving his hand up and down slowly and earning small moans from the Greenette. Izuku sat next to Bakugou and started unbuttoning Katsuki's pants. When Deku was about to take off Bakugou's pants, they heard the door open.

Kirishima heard music from upstairs, yes, they put music on so that Mama Mitsuki and Kiri boi wouldn't hear them so Kirishima thought they were just making out. He was about to leave untill he wanted to say. Bye to his Bros. When he opened the door, he regretted doing that instantly as he saw the scene infront of him. Katsuki was cuffed to the bed post, face red, and Izuku was on sitting next to him, slowly pulling off Katsuki's jeans. They all froze and then made eye contact. Kiri shut the door quickly after being said, "sorry!" Deku got up and walked out of the room to speak to kiri, leave Bakugou alone. "Fuck...again Shitty hair?"

(Kirishima POV)

FuckFuckFuckFuckFuckFuuuuck. I'm going to die, why? Because bakubro's going to kill me. Midoriya came out into the hallway and leaned on the wall across from me. "Shit...I'm sorry you walked in on that. I was just teasing him." He started. "So..your not mad at me?" I asked. "Nah, I was going to end it soon anyway, I just wanted to play with him. He's probably gonna be pissed at me though." How is he so carefree with cussing?

"Well, I'm gonna go. I just wanted to say bye. So...bye. oh, and good luck with your Pomeranian!" I said as I headed down stairs. "Bye Mitsuki!" I heard my phone ringing and it was Sero. "Hey Sero, what's up?" I heard some crying. "Hey Denki had a rough night and he needs some comforting.." dammit Kami.. "was it about his date? Was it Shin-"
"Dude! Denki can hear you!" He interrupted. "Ok, I'm comming. And bringing some ice cream." And I hung up...

The next time I see Shinsou...I swear...

(The next morning with Deku and Katsuki.)

I woke up next to Kacchan, who was scrolling through his phone. "Kacchan? Your awake already?" I said, sitting up, still slightly asleep. "Yeah, I was bored so I just went on my phone." He said. "Anyway, later, you owe me."
It took me a minute to understand what he meant. Until I remembered what happened last night.

(Flash back)

I walked back in to Kacchan's room, only to find him messing with his cuffs. I shut the door rather loudly, alarming him. "D-Deku! I wasn't...I mean I didn't-"
"It's fine really. That means you'll have to wait untill tomorrow for the rest of our session."
"What?!" I walked up to him, uncuffing him, and looked him in the eye. "Your being bad Kacchan, and bad boys don't get rewards."
"But I need some punishiiiiiiiing~!" He whined. "Kinky our we~? You'll have to wait tomorrow." We started making the bed. I'm surprised at how he was acting, being obedient, begging, whining. He scooted closer to me and buried his head into my chest. Then we fell asleep.

(End flashback)

Wait...I owe him?! What is he going to do? Please, please pray for me. ( ;∀;)

"Deku! Get out here now!" He called. I walked out to see him leaning on the wall. "Yes Kacchan?" I asked. He motioned me to come closer. I was nervous and excited. He wrapped his arms around my neck and I felt something around my neck.

When he was done, he just leaned back onto the wall and smirked. "Cute...go look in the mirror." He ordered. I rushed to the bathroom and saw a coller around my neck and it had the word 'daddy' on it. "Kacchan! What the hell?!" I yelled, stomping back to him. I saw him with a remote. He pressed a bottom and I felt something rush through my body. It wasn't pain was... "Ah~!" I moaned. ...Pleasure?!
He did again, making me fall to my knees on the floor.
"K-Kacchan? W-what the hell is that thing?"
"It's just something I bought from a store, not so far from the strip club." I looked at him with a confused face. "What w-was it called?"
"I don't remember, but all I know...was it was a sex store. I may or may have not put a vibrator in you while you were asleep.."
"W-WHA- AH~!" He put the remote on a higher setting. He gave me a devilish smirk.

Well...RIP me.

(Sleep sleep time for me! Yes, this was different then what I usually wright so I'm pretty bad at smutt. Anyway, the next chapter will be about good boi Kami and soft boi Kiri. Oh, and Douchebag Shinsou!

Night night!)

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