Chapter Nine

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Niall's P.O.V

I woke up wrapped in someone's arms. I sighed and looked around the living room. I got out of Liam's tight grip and went over to the kitchen. There was a note on the fridge. 'Morning Liam! I went out for a jog, make sure Niall takes his pills! I'll be back around noon. Lots of Love- Hazza xx' Does he automatically think Liam would awaken before me? I sighed remembering how he rejected me. I crumbled up the note and threw it away. Slowly going up the stairs I looked down at Liam. I honestly didn't love him like I loved Harry... But I had to learn how to, I think. I walked into the restroom and opened the drawer with my pills in it. I took two and washed my face. Brushing my teeth quickly I headed back downstairs. "Morning Niall." Liam yawned. "Morning," I said with a smile plastered onto my face. "Is Harry here?" He asked getting up from the couch. "Nope. He left for a jog, he'll be back by noon." I answered grabbing a water bottle. 

"Oh. Okay. I have some plans for us today." He smiled brightly. "Hmm...Making plans without my agreement?" I asked munching on an apple. "Yup." He ruffled my hair and smiled. I sighed and nodded. I placed the apple on the counter. "Alright, I'll be ready in a few." I went to my room and picked out my outfit. Black skinnies, a plain white tee-shirt, and my triangle sweater. 

'Step one, you say we need to talk, He walks you say sit down it's just a talk

He smiles politely back at you, You stare politely right on through

Some sort of window to your right, As he goes left and you stay right,

Between the lines of fear and blame, You begin to wonder why you came

Where did I go wrong, I lost a friend

Somewhere along in the bitterness,

And I would have stayed up with you all night

Had I known how to save a life 

 I hear Liam sing in the halls. His voice echoes, signaling the flat was empty. I felt tears well up in my eyes as I washed my hair. His voice sounded hurt like it had a meaning. Realizing he saved my life just two nights ago, makes me wonder. did I really want to be saved?

Liam's P.O.V

I started to sing The Fray, How to save a life. All I thought about was Niall. If I noticed sooner he wouldn't have been close to dying. I'm glad I saved him. I walked into my room just a couple away from Niall's. We all pitched in and paid our amount to buy this massive flat. It had 8 rooms, one for each. Three extras in case someone wanted to sleep over and such. I took a quick shower and walked over to Niall's room. I wore a purple tee shirt, with grey sweats, and a hoodie that read 'Ed Sheeran +". He was still in the shower, which is good. I grabbed a plastic bag and threw a red polo with some white skinnies, and a new pair of boxers into the bag. I heard Niall turn off the water. I quickly grabbed his guitar and ran to the car. I packed his things into the back and walked back into the house. "Um. How come you were outside?" Niall asked yawning. "Oh... Just thought you were in the car.. didn't bother checking your room... Let's get going." I smiled sweetly and headed out the door. He follows along.

"So where are we goin?"

"Somewhere. It's a secret." to ignore the conversation I turned up the volume to Maroon Five- Moves Like Jagger. He looked at me then shrugged. He started to bop his head to the music. Christina's part came up, guess what Niall started to do? "Aye, Liam." He started to wink several times. We laughed, that laugh where you clap your hands and no sound comes out of your mouth. The silent laugh. I parked in the lot. "What is this place..?" He asked getting out of the car. "You'll be staying here for the next day. It'll be fine." I smiled exiting the car and joining him outside. "Um... Where is this place?" He asked again. We started to walk in. "It's a rehab center."

Staying Strong (One Direction, Niall Horan) *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now