Chapter 2: The New Home, Earth!

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Date: March 11th, 1950

Place: Alena, Calena, Jordan, Evee, and Danny have crashed on Earth.

"Ow!" said Alena. "Is everyone okay?"

"Jordan and I are," said Calena.

"Me too!" said Evee.

"Same here," said Danny "and sorry about my flying."

"It's okay and it looks like we're not the only ones who left!" said Jordan pointing at another air-pocket-ship that had lost one of its wings.

"Let's go, we're," said Alena "and Danny can you carry Evee please?"

"Yeah.... sure... no problem, Alena!" said Danny a little shocked that she asked him and not someone else. Danny picked up Evee and started walking with Evee on his back.

Once they got to the other's, they saw two dragons, two griffins, and one-horned- winged horse. All were just fine, but one had a burn from whatever had landed on the mountain back on their home planet.

"Hey, you five alright?" yelled Jordan.

"Yeah, we're fine. Milly here teleported us off the air-pocket-ship before it hit the ground!" said a dragon with vines as her markings.

"Who are you guys anyway?" asked the other dragon with flames as markings.

"This is Jordan and Calena. The princesses of our planet. My sister Evee is on Danny's back. Danny's the one with water dragon markings and I'm Alena! A potion dragon!" said Alena. "Who are you guys?"

"Oh, well this is Cassandra, but you can call her Cassey. The griffins are Jasmine and Logan. The last griffin's the other's never made it because we took the last air-pocket-ship. Milly is the horn-winged horse whose brother was sent here two years ago, so that makes her the only horned-winged horse that made it to an air-pocket-ship and my name is Krystal. I'm a nature dragon and Cassey's a fire dragon" said Krystal. Someone broke the silence by clapping.

"Well said Krystal and I see you made everyone silent just like you did when I saw you!" said a tall water dragon who was walking towards all ten of them.

"Okay, and how do you know me? Also, who are you?" asked Krystal.

"The only ones who don't know me are Calena, Alena, Evee, Milly, and Jasmine. The ones who know me the most are Danny and Jordan" said the water dragon.

"Quit with the riddles already and tell us who you are!" demanded Logan.

"He's the oldest son of the water dragon which is my family. He's my brother -" said Danny.

"Mason Blue? Is that you?" asked Jordan cutting Danny off.

"Yes it's me, but you guys aren't the only ones who made it off the planet alive, but only a few survived, the rest are gone," said Mason looking sad.

"We know because our dads and moms never made it off the planet!" said Evee.

"What do you mean? You mean to tell me not one of you is an Adult?!" Mason said sounding alarmed.

"No none of us are. We are kids or teen's going to be adults soon" Krystal said looking at Cassey.

"That's not true," Jordan said speaking up. "The fire dragon and I are adults from last month."

"Like I want dragons to know how old I am and you should be the same way, princess," Cassey said with a growl. Jordan didn't say anything except glare at her.

"So a princess did make it off the planet. Wow! I'm impressed and why didn't you tell me you were a princess when I lived on the planet?" asked Mason.

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