Chapter 5: Calena live's in Richland?

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(Alena's Journal)

Last week Mas and I got to use our wings for the first time since the hunters started to hunt us. Anyway, I got to see everyone excepted Krystal and Cassey that day. I did hear that Jasmine, Evee, and Calena went back into their human family, but don't know where again. I did meet two new dragons that day. Aidan an angel dragon, and Ella a reading dragon.

I don't know much about the angel dragon, but I heard that their weakness is a shadow dragon's magic, so Aidan is at a disadvantage around Calena. The reading dragons are said to be able to read up to 1,000 books a day and memorize them word per word. They also can open portals to different places. I don't think they have a weakness against other dragon's though, so Ella would be hard to fight. Anyway, I still haven't seen Calena yet. She told me a week ago that she would see me and Mason soon and she still hasn't. I just hope she didn't forget.

(Alena's Pov.)

"Hey Alena, your computer is beeping at you!" say's Wint looking into my room from the doorway.

"Oh thank's Wint", I said and answer the call I was having from hangouts.

"No problem", said my brother before heading to his room.

"Well you finally picked up,'' said Evee from the other end of the call.

"Hey, how's it going?" I asked her.

"Great and Autumn did forget about coming to see you guys by the way", said Evee.

"Is she there at the house?" asked Mas walking into my room.

"Hold on!" she said then yelled, "Hey Autumn, get in here!"

"What do you want Evee?" asked Autumn walking into Evee's room with I guessed crossed arms.

"Hey baby long time no see!" stated Mas.

"Wait Mason?" said Autumn and I think she was blushing.

"Hey call me when you get back to your room!" said Mas before leaving to his room.

"Okay?" said Autumn a little confused and left Evee's room. Evee and I start to laugh.

(Autumn's Pov)

I call Mason after getting back to my room. "Hey sweetie, why did you want me to call you?" I ask Mason.

"Because I haven't heard from you since Lively Town. That's why" Mason said.

"Oh I'm so sorry I forgot", I said to him remember the promise I made him and Alena. 'He probably hates me now. I'm so stupid to forget.'

"No need to be sorry. I understand why you forgot. I forget a lot of things!" he said to me and I could tell he was smiling. " When you planning on turning on your face camera?"

"Hold on!" I turn it on and ask "Happy?"

"Very!" He started to blush. "So where are you living now?"

"Richland with my human family, Jasmine, and Evee", I said to him.

"So where's everyone else hiding now?" he asked me.

"In human families. Danny and Jordan I think went back to their human families!" I said with a smile.

"Okay," he said. "Can't wait until Monday!"

"Why? What's Monday?" I ask.

"The day school starts silly!" he said and I have a rush of sadness because I won't see him in person anymore.

"Well sorry I didn't know," I said, "and why are you so happy?"

"Because I get to see you," he said as I'm trying to fight my tears from coming out.

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