Chapter 6: The Spell Is Broken!

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(Alena's Journal)

It's been a year since Mason came back creeping in through a window, but for some reason, no one remembers anything about him or Calena. I wonder if he put a spell on everyone. I do ask Wint from time to time if he's heard from Calena, but all I get is " Who's Calena?". I don't even hear him talking to Krystal or Cassey or anything about the two of them. It's like every memory of Calena is cut off from everyone's memory. I hope Mason didn't do it and someone else did. I would hate to hear he did it.

(Alena's Pov.)

"Alena come on or we'll be late to the competition against Richland!" yell's Wint from the hallway.


'That's the school Calena's in! I wonder if she forgot about us!' I thought as I was coming out of my room.

"Mason you coming?" yelled Wint to our stuck up brother.

"Yeah I am!" yelled Mason starting to head down the hallway to us.

(Autumn's Pov.)

At the competition, there are over ten thousand people. Among the competitors are myself and Ella. Aidan's out in the audience somewhere. Aidan, Ella, and I are the closest friends you'll find in Richland thanks to us all sharing the same secret.

"Huh?" I could feel two more dragons coming closer towards us.

"Do you feel them too?" asked Ella.

"Yeah I do, but I feel like I know what and who they are!"

"Okay well let's worry about it later, okay?" she asked.


(Alena's Pov.)

Nearby I could hear Aidan. I could tell he could feel us too because of what he was saying.

"Mason so your back! I'll make you pay for making everyone, excepted me, forget what happened back then!" Is what he said.

I whispered in Mason's ear "Be careful while your here, don't let your guard down!"

"I won't!" Is all he said. After I made sure Mason couldn't hear me I tried to talk to Autumn.

"Autumn, can you hear me?"

"Who are you and what do you want?" she asked.

"It's me, Alena, the Potion dragon, remember?"

"Alena?" she asked. So I guessed she was starting to remember me. "Mason, what have you've done to me? Why did you make me forget you and Alena? Why?"

While she did that I jumped up and smacked Mason in the back of the head. I was too short to just stand there and smack him, so I jumped.

"Ow! What was that for?" he asked like he didn't know and it only made it worse.

"You made everyone forget that you weren't yourself and about Autumn and that you two knew each other!" I really did try not to shout and draw attention, but I did anyways because I was mad at him. Mom, dad, and Wint hadn't made it inside yet, so they didn't hear me shout.

"Wait how do you remember who she was?" he asked, not caring about the people looking at us.

"I never forgot and I now know you made everyone forget thanks to Autumn remembering!" I was really trying not to yell at him, but he was only making me even madder than I already am.

(Mason's Pov.)

"I never forgot and I now know you made everyone forget thanks to Autumn remembering!" shouted my little sister drawing more attention to the two of us.

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