Chapter 8: Mason's Love for Calena!

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Date: December 17, 1954

Place: Mason's room

(Mason's Journal)

Calena's been asleep for a while now and is in my room with me. No, I haven't been sleeping with her. I let her sleep on my bed while I sleep on the floor. School has started a while back and I always wake up, check on Calena, get ready for the day, and go to school. After school, I come home, say hi to my mom and go straight back to my room to see if Calena is awake, but she never is. I hope she wakes up soon. I really miss her voice and her smile.

Jordan and Ella take turns saving Richland. Thanks to Daisy's magic they look just like Calena, so the humans in Richland don't know she's sleeping. Hailey went and told Calena's friends who know her secret the truth, while Calena's told the school she was in the hospital recovering from being hit by a car, since to the school she's Autumn. I really want her to wake up.

(Mason's Pov.)

"Hey Mason?" asked a voice interrupting me from my writing.

"Yes, Wint! What is it?"

"Can I come in?" he asked since I had the door shut.

"Yes, I guess u can!"

As he opened the door I hid my Journal, so that he didn't know I had one.

"How's she doing?" he asked looking at Calena.

"Sleeping as usual!"

"How long is she going to sleep for? I mean it's been four months since it happened!" he said looking down.

"Wint can sleep for a year on our planet, that's four years here on Earth, so it could be a while before she wakes up!"

I was now looking at Calena with a sad look.

"Four years?!? How's that possible?!?" yelled my brother.

"I don't know you would have to as one of the princesses or the prince!!"

I didn't mean to yell at him, but hey I'm really hurt that I can't hear Calean's voice or see her beautiful eyes.

"Sorry, I didn't mean -"

"Just go!"

He left without saying another word. I was now on my knees with my head on the edge of the bed, crying.

"Autumn please wake up!" There was a little pause in his voice before he said, "I need you!"

I think I cried myself to sleep last night because I woke up with my head on the edge of the bed and the sun rising in the distance. I looked at the calendar and saw it was Saturday, December 18th, 1954. I was relieved that it was the weekend. Before I got up, I placed a kiss on Calena's forehead.

"Wake up soon, baby! Please?"

After that, I went to the dining room for breakfast.

(Calena's pov.)

I don't know where I'm at or what day, month, or year it is. I feel like I've been in this room that has no windows or doors for years now. Once in awhile, I'll hear voices that I know, but I can never tell where they're coming from. I knew the voices as Mason and Wint. Mason was still crying at the moment but was getting quieter and I guessed he was falling asleep. As Mason became quite I decided that this was my dad's doing. I had a feeling this was one of his tests. Last time he tested me to prove how much I've grown since he had last saw me. I passed that test by waking up and coming back to everyone. I wonder what this test will be about.

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