Chapter 10: Nature and Fire Dragons!

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(Calena's Pov.)

I was sitting on my bed hoping David found Mason's place and gave him the note. That's when my phone went off. I didn't even look at who was calling and answered it.


"Autumn you didn't check the caller did you?" asked a familiar voice. I looked at the top and smacked myself for not looking at who the caller was. The person who called me was my boyfriend, Mason!

"Sorry, Sweetie I should have checked for who was calling me!"

"It's okay and your fairy dragon fell asleep on my pillow!" he said and I just started laughing. "Don't laugh!"

"Sorry, but it's funny how you'd complain about something like that!" I said in between laughs.

"Okay, okay you win!" He started to laugh now.

"Hey, how's Wint handling Alena's death?"

"Hard!" was all he said.

"Oh okay well I'll see you tomorrow. Bye!"


I hung up after that and went to bed. I didn't know what I would do in school the next day, but whatever it was I knew it wasn't going to be good.

The next morning I woke up to Jasmine and Evee yelling outside my bedroom door. I was so mad at them for waking me up that I went out there and smashed their heads together.

"Now are you two done yelling this early in the morning?" I asked as they got up rubbing their heads.

"Yes, pumpkin!" said Jasmine

"Don't call me pumpkin and get ready for school before I make a list of chores for you this afternoon!" I yelled and they both took off running to their rooms.

I walked back into my room and to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror to see my blood-red eyes. Just what I needed, my bad side to be out. I decided to take a shower while I was there. I then put on my usual dark-colored clothes. After I was done getting ready for school, I went outside and walked to school. Once at school, I froze at who was waiting for the school doors to open. There she was acting all stuck up as she did three years ago. Her name is Lacey and she is not the type of person you want to mess with. I was hoping she had moved over the three years I was gone, but she didn't and there she is standing twenty-two feet in front of me. I was hoping she didn't notice me and if she did that she didn't recognize me.

"Oh hi, new girl! What are you doing here this early?" she asked me. I didn't answer because I wanted her to think I was still shy about everything and didn't have any friends. All I did was shrug my shoulders and moved forward to two feet next to her waiting for the doors to open.

"Still, shy about being here?" she asked in a nice voice that I knew was fake. I nodded and pulled my books close to my chest.

"Don't worry you'll get use to this place and hopefully we'll be friends!" she stated. All I could think was yeah whatever.

"Hey what's your name by the way?" she asked and I froze because I didn't want to tell her.

"Hey, Lacey leave her alone!" stated a boy running up to us.

"Darn you, Mason. Why do you always get in the way?" she asked yelling as I stepped back. Mason quickly got to my side and I hid behind him. I felt safe with him around me. Wint came up next to us and glared at Lacey as if he wanted her dead.

"Oh looks like you do have friends!" she said smirking. I Had it! I dropped my books and walked out from behind Mason and punched her in the nose. I noticed Mason and Wint had both jumped at what I did.

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