Chapter 3: The Journal

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(Alena's Journal)

It's been a year and a half since I last saw my sister, the other's, and the man who taught us all he knows about the humans and this world. I sometimes ask myself, ''What are they all doing?', but I may never know. The last time I knew where my sister was with Calena that Griffin Jasmine. I heard that Calena and the two of them were hiding in a human family with Calena's made up a life of always being in that family.

We all hid in a human family because two months after we set off some humans started hunting us one by one. I am hiding in a family with two twin boys. I'm not really sure why, but the youngest of the two twins I feel like I met him the day I came to this planet. Maybe it's just because I miss them all.

"Alena it's time for dinner!" yells a female voice from the hall.

"Coming!" yells Alena back. "Hey, Mom, when are Mason and Wint coming home?"

"They'll be home in a little while, " said Alena's human mom with a smile.

After dinner, Alena returns to her room and continues her Journal, but before she starts to write she hears the front door open and the youngest of the two twins shout "We're home!"

"Mason!" shouts Alena she jumps up, runs out of her room, down the hall, and hugs him.

"Hey, did you miss me or something?" asked Mason.

"Yeah, " Alena said with a smile.

'I'm glad she hasn't realized I'm that Mason she met back on March 11th, 1856' thought Mason, 'maybe I should tell her later!'

"Oka, you kids go to your rooms. Your dad and I have to talk" said their mom.

"Okay," said all three as they left for their rooms.

"Hey Alena, can I come in?" asked Mason.

"Sure," said Alena as she hides her Journal.

"You don't have to hide it I already know your writing about the day you came to earth," said Mason "because I'm in your Journal!"

"Huh? What do you mean yours in my Journal? How did you know that I came to earth?" asked Alena.

"I gave you that crystal that's around your neck, didn't I?" he asked with a smile.

"What? Your Mason Blue? Danny's older brother? How?" asked Alena almost yelling it.

"Shh!" said Mason. "Not so loud. Mom will hear you!"

"Sorry, but how come I didn't know you were the one I met one year ago?" asked Alena.

"I didn't want you to know," said Mason "and I should meet Calena, Krystal, and Cassey again in the middle school this year!"

"Really and did you forget Calena's human name is Autumn?" asked Alena.

"Yeah I did," said Mason. 'I also almost forgot her dad promised my brother that the oldest son, me, is to protect her with his life. So this is good I'll get to see her again.'

"Well shouldn't you go unpack your stuff?" asked Alena trying to get him to leave the room.

"Yeah, " said Mason leaving the room.

'Now where was I? Oh yeah! I was at the part where I was about to talk about how I found this place!' thought Alena opening her Journal back up.

(Alena's Journal)

I found my new home by trying to find a family that needed help later on. At first, it was hard to find a family, but I did find one and put made-up memory in their heads of me being born into their family. I found out today that I wasn't the only one who did that to this family I found out Mason was hiding the truth from me until today. I was surprised when he told me he was the one that gave me this white crystal on my neck, but now I'm happy to know someone is around for me to talk to.

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