Chapter 7: The Training!

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Date: June 15th, 1954

Place: Training Field

(Calena's Pov.)

I just finished school five days ago and I'm trying with Mason and Hailey. Everyone else had something or somewhere to be, so it's just us here at the training field. I'm becoming better at avoiding Hailey's fast speed and Mason's magic. At the moment we're taking a break from training because Mason used too much of his magic at once and hurt himself.

"Hey Autumn when do you think we'll be able to help you save people?" asked Mason putting down his water.

He's always asking me that, but I give him the same answer every time.

"You need to train more before you start saving people!"

"Whatever you say, Baby!" he said drinking some more water.

Yep, you heard him right, he called me Baby because he's my boyfriend.

"Well I think I've had enough training for today!" said Hailey getting up. "Also I have to meet up with a friend, so see you two around!"

She took off in a flash. I wasn't surprised by how fast she left since she is a vampire after all. Now that I think about it I have to get home before dad does.

"See you tomorrow, Sweetie!"

"Yep see you tomorrow!" said Mason before we split from the training field.

I got home just five minutes before my dad did. He is the only human in the house who doesn't know what my sisters and I are. Whenever I get home after him I just say I was with a friend. I was only half lying whenever I said that to him.

"How was work?" asked mom after dad sat down on the couch next to her.

"Hard as always!" stated my dad.

He works as a lumber yard person/truck driver at a place called 'Carter Lumber The Yard'. He works there with my half-human-uncle David and Jason. I call them my half uncles because they're really just my dads friends that I call uncles. Jason isn't married, but David is. His wife is named Bree and they have four kids. The oldest is a girl and the rest are boys. I mostly get along with the girl and the oldest boy.

"Oh what made it hard this time?" asked my mom bringing me back to reality.

"Didn't get to drive one of the trucks today!" stated dad.

I got up and went to my room for the night since it was 9:30 at night. I slipped under the covers and immediately was out cold. I guess you could say the training I had done got the best of me. Everyone keeps telling me to rest for a day or two because I've been training nonstop since school ended. I should really take a break.

(Time skip: Couple days later: Jordan's Pov.)

I'm at my hidden Book area where every book from our planet has a copy here. I'm going over to make sure all seven hundred and ninety-eight books are here. Yes, I counted every last book. I come to the 'K' spot and notice a golden book cover under Kenady Black. That's weird, I don't remember having a book under my step mom's, my sister Calena's true mom, name. I reach up to grab it, but it fell on me.

After it hit the ground I picked it up and read 'To My Unborn Child! By Kenady Black'. I opened it up and was the book was written before Calena was born. So it was talking about sis. Kenady was talking to sis when she wrote this book. I knew I had to get this book to Calena and fast. The good thing is that she's going to be training today. The bad thing is she won't listen to me, so maybe I can get Mason her 'mate' to help me. Even though she and he doesn't claim each other as mates I still call them that. Hehe! Okay well, first thing's first, finish counting up these books then I'll go and ask him.

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