Chapter 9: A Gear Fall's To give Life To Another!

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(Calena' Pov.)

Everyone was happy the next day when I came back to the training field. I knew I had to face dad when I get back, but I didn't worry about it at the moment. I worried about the question Mason and I received over and over again.

"Hey Miss Black?" asked Kalisa been the last person I talk to you before going home with Mason.


"Um ... are you and Mister Blue ... m-mates?" she asked.

"Yes and speak of which the two of us have to go!"

"Oh ok see you tomorrow!" she said before walking off.

"Now where is he?"

I found myself looking for Mason because I can't find him.

"Come on Wint, Alena's not going to wait forever you know. Also, why are you even?" I could hear Mason in the distance.

"I'm right behind you and also Autumn's not going to wait forever either!" Stated Wint from the same area as Mason.

"Shit! Thanks for reminding me. Also, do you know where she is?" he asked his brother.

"Heading your way!" I yelled out trying to see them, it's like this fog is to block my night vision.

"Hey can you see us at all?" asked/yelled Mason.

"No why?"

"Great! Just great! So neither of us can see!" he yelled.

"Sis?!? Where are you?" I could hear Ian called for either me or Jordan.

"Bro! Which one are you calling for?"

"You! You need to get out of here! Now they're here for just you!" he yelled.

I didn't think twice I ran and grabbed two hands, one in each. I knew Mason was one of them, but not the other. Maybe Wint, but I didn't care I need to get out of here and fast. After a while of running, I came to a stop when I saw a red moon above my head. A total red moon. I let go of both hands and looked at mine they were scaly and black I knew I had to get inside and quick.

"Are you okay?" asked Wint. Now I know he was the other person I grabbed, but I didn't look at him. I just looked up at the moon again.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Let's just get to my house."

"Okay!" said Mason grabbing me and Wint, then started walking to my house that was a block away. I didn't look at either of them because I knew my eyes were blood red because of the moon. Before we got to my house I heard Alena. She was nearby and saying a forbidden spell.

(Alena's Pov.)

"Let the light take me and bring back the last, so they can be with love again!"

I've been saying that since I saw the blood moon in the sky, my goal was to take my life to bring that Kennedy. Calena and Ian's mom. The only problem was the hunters. They have been surrounding me for an hour now, but they can't get to me because of that I'm at circle I created around me. I drawled it the minute I heard the wind picks up and smell the death of thousands. I've already locked Haley and Kalisa up because their thoughts to kill are high right now. I was so worried about Calena that's why I want to bring her mom back because this is her birth date/time so the moon is hurting her a lot. The. only one who can get rid of her pain is her mom.

"Let the light take me to bring back the last, so they can be with love again!"

I felt a light take me in and I couldn't hear anything anymore, so I knew I would pass Kannady soon.

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