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My day was going terribly...... The workload at the warehouse was something else

Apparently Mr Ibrahim has been cutting down staffs just so he can make extra income since I have been blocking his crooked ways of getting it

The workload  was doubled and no one has been taking records of sales so far
Have had enough of this man I think it's time to cut him loose

I will make sure I speak to Mr Pearson about it... Tonight.

I couldn't finish all.... Because I resumed late and I have to leave early to avoid getting stucked in traffic

I got home by late evening and the atmosphere overwhelmed me.... I didn't even have time to think about all that happened this morning... I was so busy at work

But here I am hours later and replaying everything in my head like it happened a minute ago.
Well my memory is just like that.... I can fully analyze a whole scene in my head without missing a single detail

As long as I am physically present...... I can fully recall everything that I saw or heard..
Honestly it has helped in my line of work..... I can even remind people of the tiniest detail of the events that unfold which has me earned me alot of credits by the way

But I also have to carry my scars around like it happened yesterday.... If I allowed myself.... I can relive every moment of that terrible experience

But everytime I try.... I realize am only torturing myself.... The image is permanently in my head so when I try to recall... Alot of uglier things follows

So this is me dealing with it....... I didn't expect it to be easy but now I feel like I have sank too deep... And pushed too hard, now I'm  stuck in the middle of this shit

I pulled over outside my building and hopped down... Am still wearing my pink pant suit flat shoes...... I hung my sunglasses on my head and strolled into the house like I owe the place

Twice in a day..... Am getting overly comfortable around here which is not suppose to be

I entered the house and there were girls sitted in the room with Juliet
Well not exactly girls... Ladies... Young ladies about four of them

"Ohhh hello "
I waved to announce my presence, the ladies all answered back nicely before Juliet raised her head from the book or folder she was staring at

"Genesis hi"

"Hi...... "

She looked passed me and continued with whatever she was reading before I walked in

I sat down and looked awkwardly around the house....
For almost thirty minutes... Juliet went on with her meeting and I wouldn't mind but her attitude towards me was really cold and I felt highly unwelcomed here..

I stood up and was about to leave

"Leaving already..... "

"Well yeah.... You seem quite busy "

"Am just trying to find myself a new assistant..... "
She emphasized the word Assistant ' and raised her shoulder

"And I haven't had a single moment to myself all day long "

"Why not just take this time and rest "

"I will.     After I get a suitable Assistant to help with things around here "

"Julie..... It's seven PM.... Why are you stressing yourself. Can't you do this tomorrow or some other time "

"I need an assistant.. ASAP, it's not like I don't know that I need rest "

"I dont think you do..... Besides who does an interview by this time of the day... Moreover the primaries are done. You should take some time to rest "

"I will rest..... But like you said the primaries are done... Now we get ready for the bigger part and now is not the time to slack..... I need all hands on deck "

"Wow.... Sometimes I forget you are not the one running for senate and I think you forget too..... This pressure you put on yourself is too much and you are beginning to wear yourself down emotionally and mentally "

Juliet fell quiet and stood up slowly and turned to the ladies

"Thank You ladies for coming tonight... We'll continue this tomorrow...... You can all leave now... Enjoy the rest of your night "

They are matched out of the house leaving me and Juliet in the big house

"Genesis..... I understand that you may think that I am pushing myself too hard, am working too hard but I'm putting all this effort because it is my husband that's involved "

The way she says husband sometimes sends an electric shock to my brain..

"Then let him be involved...... Let him want this for himself, stop trying to do everything.. You are not a magician... You cannot be a mother, a wife, a campaign manager, an advocate, a body of Philips election army all by yourself..... Its not possible. And if you continue like this... You are going to break... I wish you can understand this "

"I am..... OK, I am, but everything was going great until your friend decided to chase my own husband right under my nose.... I will not stand for that, let it be some whore from the streets I wouldn't mind but Victoria..... Ahhh no way... I will never let that happen "

"So You think its OK for him to cheat on you with other women "

"I didn't say that "

"But You implied it....... I think you are missing the area of concentration here. There are so many things for you to fight for but you choose this "

"Ohhh You dont think this is worth it "

"I didn't say that..... I'm just saying... Why would you want to be the parent all by yourself..... You have been up since 3: am and you are still here making plans on how to make things work for him... What about you, what about your kids "

"Philip is a busy person.... He's handling his own business and I'm just trying to help out as his wife "

''Is that all you are doing ''

She looked down and rubbed her hand around her forehead

The door opened and Philip walked in with Simon
Why now..... I didn't break eye contact with Julie because I knew she had something to say but of course once she saw Philip, she's mesmerized by his presence and taken into fantasy

She's smiling and hugging him tightly, Simon too was catching feelings and felt it was reasonable for him to hug me too

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