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I sat in the waiting area of the hospital
Feeling and looking stupid

She got better and ran off and because they had changed shift before I arrived... No one could inform me or stop her from leaving

Why on earth did I leave her here, especially when I know I need her
How am I suppose to find her

My phone buzzed and it was Victoria calling
Right now I don't want to deal with her but when she won't stop calling I picked eventually


"Genesis... You won't believe what just happened "

"What just happened "

"So i went home for a few days to see my mom..... And when i got back... The security guard wont let me in......And they toss my stuff at me...... Juliet kicked me out of the house and sent some guards to arrest me "

"Ohhh is that so"
I answered sarcastically

"Yeah... Where are you babe, You need to come and help me "

"Help with what "

"I want to sue Juliet Jackson "

If I wasn't paying attention before, I definitely started paying attention now because what I heard rang a bell in my ears

"You what "

", I want to sue Juliet Jackson "

"For "

"For harassment and violation of employee's right "

"I don't understand "

"For harassment......... "
She went on repeating the same rubbish

"Do You even know what you are saying.... Like do you understanding what you are saying "

"I do...... I want to sue her Genesis and I need you to help me "

"Help You with what "

"Help me put that horrible bitch in her place...... I know you guys are getting along now and you will like you betraying her or something but I can assure that if we can bring this woman down..... We would climb our way to the top easily "

"What are you saying "

"Am saying "

"Huuu.... Hush... Don't go repeating the same thing like I have hearing problem..... I want to make sure that you are hearing the things that you are saying "

"I am babe.... I know what am saying"

"And You are sure you are not drunk or something because it actually too early for that "

"I'm not drunk...... I haven't even sipped water this morning "

"Well maybe you need some to refresh your memory and calm your nerves..... "

"You are not listening to me "

"I dont want to listen..... All you have been saying since hasn't make a single sense.... So how do you expect me to keep listening to that "

"Okay.... Where are you... Can I come to you..... "

"I need to show you the bruises those men gave me..... And they held me against my wish for over two hours "

"Victoria.... "
I didn't want to say I saw her banging the door like a mad woman this morning


"So she kicked you out of her house... What were you expecting "

"Genesis.... She humiliated me, and I have been calling Philip... He has not been answering but am sure he won't even stop me from suing that bitch... I'd be helping him a great deal.... Removing that pain in the ass"

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