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I have been debating for a while if I should call Victoria and find out what she's been up to

The media blast didn't just end there... She went to a program on TV called voice out and completely ratt out Julie..... I don't know how Julie is taking the heat but Victoria sure isn't slowing down

I dialed her number and wait as it rings., I don't even know what to say to her. We haven't spoken since the day at the hospital when she was threatening to sue Julie for the lamest reasons ever... She picked at the last ring

"Hello... "
She answered coldly

"Hi Victoria.... How are you "

"Have never been better "

"Is that so"

"Well... Yeah, let's see I am putting some people in their place and got rid of backstabbing friends "

I chuckled softly... Not like I blame her... She's irrational and I haven't exactly been accommodating

"So You are doing OK... Huh"

"As You can see... And hear am fantastic "

"That's good to hear.... Am glad you are feeling better, do you wanna talk about it "

"With You.... No thanks, after all that has happened.. I've known who exactly is for me and those that are against me "

"And where do I fall"

"You know exactly where you fall Genesis... Stop asking me this silly questions "

"There are not silly.... Infact I think you are just jumping into conclusion. Have never been against you... Maybe I do not support everything you are doing right now but I'm not against you.... "

"Okay if you say so.... This is just because I like you alot, I won't be putting up with all this... If it were someone else "

"Am trying here Victoria... You don't have to insult me "
I snapped

"But what did you expect Genesis... I regarded you as my sister but you went ahead and dine with my enemy... Didn't you realize she took everything from me and left me with nothing... Even at that you didn't care, You left her do that to me and you still went on being friends with her... And Simon.. You didn't listen to a word I said about him.. You went ahead and date him and make me look like a fool so don't blame me if I completely lose trust in you "

That's it.... This was a bad idea and a waste of time

"I hate it when people talk to me like am a child, You choose to deal with things your way... So stop dictating what I need to do... I won't take that from you.... If you don't trust me anymore that's your problem.... I dont ever have to tolerate you if this is how you are"

I hung up
Why wouldn't I....
She's a psycho and I don't need this
I already have enough on my plates

immediately I hung up.. A message popped up on my phone and I opened it

***Hello Miss, this is patricia's neighbor..... Patricia is here now but I dont know if you will meet up with her... But she's here now ****

I jumped up... And called him to confirm... I hurried to the room and Pulled on my brown flowy knee length skirt and my cream shirt and my flat shoes... I feel like a chorister but the important thing is to get there on time

I pulled my keys and hurried downstairs

In about an hour later, I was pulling over at the compound the guy brought me to about a week ago
I did some breathing exercise before hopping down.
I haven't seen Tris in forever and I don't even know what to expect
Her relationship with Philip was toxic as it is, They fought more times than they made up.. Mostly over me but I know Tris didn't condone to his nonsense
Or at least that what it looks like

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