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I look through the window and I didn't see them
Maybe she's just pulling my legs besides she doesn't even know my house yet
Or does she
I mean how long can I exactly hide that I live right in front of her house
I'm not so invincible

My mind ran faster than my head and im not in any way prepared for this
I grabbed my phone and begun to dial her number
Julie you better pick up and tell me who exactly you are with

She didn't answer and the next thing I heard was my door bell.
Even if am not so familiar with the tune because I've never had any visitor since I moved in, I jumped at the sound of it and grabbed the duvet from the couch

Am not exactly a very organized person and there's no Odelia to put my things in place...

I looked around to make sure, there was nothing laying around that can put me in deep Shit....
My living is a mess though
I haven't cleaned in forever and now I don't even know where to start from

The doorbell cut right into me, the second ring... Confused me even more.
Then I looked down at what am wearing..
Just my silky nightie
No panties

This is so not cool
I ran into my room and pull on the first pant my hand grabbed and it was one of my jogging pants... No time for selection

Now that I have been caught unfresh
I just have to deal with it
My phone was the next buzz
Ohhh so now Julie thinks it OK to call back.... I grabbed my hoodie and put both hands in
using my cheeks I pounce the answer button

"Yeah..... Hello"

"Hey girlie.... We are the door, where are you "

"At my door.... Am on my way "
I swallowed hard took a glance at myself in the mirror
And I look stupid

Wearing a hoodie jacket over my nighties and pant trouser
Just plain dumb which is not up for a debate because I have to answer the door like right now

I hurried quickly to the door and opened it and there she was, standing next to Simon
And that's it
It just the two of them
I looked from Simon to Juliet and back to Simon
Somehow I was kinda expecting to see the third person
Even though I'm kinda happy and sad that he is not here

I looked up and they were both staring at me like a weirdo because I was busy reminiscing on the fact that someone was not here

I smiled.... One of my fakest smile and ushered them in
That was when I notice Simon was holding flowers 💐 and Julie a bag

"Wow... Girl, You took forever to answer the door. I thought we were at the wrong apartment "

"Haha.... No I was asleep I didn't really notice on time "

"But You called me right "

"Ahhh I called but I was still on the bed.... I thought you were just joking "

"Wow..... Nice apartment "
Simon cut in softly

"Thanks Simon... It's really nice to see you "

He took that as a cue to hug me briefly and give me one of his peeks..

"I hope you are feeling better "

"Yeah....... All I needed was enough rest "

"That's good to hear.... Well these are for you "
He gave me the flowers.. I smiled and made one of those annoying sounds

"Awwn thank you... They are lovely "

"Well.... Easy there lovebirds... You are not the only one with something.. OK
Sweetie I asked my cook to prepare her special soup that works like magic for flu"

"Ohhh that's so thoughtful... Thanks girlfriend "

Wouldn't it have been just great if they just drop whatever they brought and leave but no they decided to sit

"Honey..... What are you wearing "
She whispered when Simon went to kitchen to get spoon for the soup"

"Is it because I told you to be decent that why you chose to be overly decent "

I laughed really..... I know am a clown.  I dont need to be told

"Don't mind me... I was just confused, You didn't give me enough time though... You just sprung the SMS on me... I was even confused "

"Sorry babe.... He couldn't wait to see you and I didn't know what to do "

Simon walked into the living room and hand me the spoon

"Just one..... Ohhh honey get one for yourself too"

"No am fine... You are the one who needs to get better"

"I will feel better... If we have this together.. You can even get one for Julie too... Let's all dine together  "

He nod and went back to the kitchen

"So how'd you know where I stay so easily "

"Am still upset with you... You told me it was close but you never mentioned it was right in front of my house... It just across the road for goodness sake"

"Am sorry... I didn't know how you would take it"

"Of course am happy... Now I can be in your face every single day...., but honey that reminds me... You said you haven't seen today's news "
Simon came back
We gathered around the soup and I just had my first spoon
Lord it feels so hot
My tongue is burning.... The soup is so peppery

"Hmmm hmm.. What's it about "

"Your friend... That's what it about "

She removed a newspaper from her bag
I took it and read the headline were Julie and philip's picture was pestered with Victoria face in the corner

"My boss is a selfish maniac"
I read out and notice the sub heading

"Former assistant to aspiring senator Philip jacksons wife calls her out in public......... Wait... What "

"That's what I felt when I saw it too.... I mean I always knew that girl was crazy.. You need to see the scene she created the day I threw her out.... I made such a terrible mistake by keeping that stupid girl as my assistant "

"But why would she do such a thing "

"I... I.. Don't know, she's your friend too.. Why don't you ask her"

"How can you say that... You know I've never support any of her outrageous acts let alone this "

"Uhhh. Julie.... I think we need to let Genesis rest not stress her "

That would be lovely but I would really want to know want to make sure Julie doesn't involve me in victoria's drama

"Yeah Simon but this is really important too... We need to clear this out "

"Gosh am sorry sweetie.... Am just so tensed... Since I saw this I have been so frustrated,I even fired my new assistant well she was clumsy but now Victoria is ruining everything for me  she decided to do this at this crucial point where elections are so close. Just today over three popular newspapers have carried by tomorrow am sure it's everywhere .... I mean cmon... How senseless can she be"

"I think she knows you can't afford a scandal right now that's why she's messing with you "
Simon added

"But do you know what she wants.... I mean did she request for anything "

"She doesn't need to request before I know what exactly she wants..... And she cannot have what she wants... It's impossible "

"What is it she wants "

She scoffs

"My husband "

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