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There's still a lethal gap between me and the helicopter. One wrong move, one shaky jump will cause my fall. I'll never make it back to Domain and Unix. Or mom and sister for that matter. The helicopter swings dangerously close to me, and in a flash, I know I have to make a decision now.

I take a deep breath and jump for the helicopter.

And I slip.

I see Unix stretching out her hand to me, her eyes wide with horror. It occurs to me that I never got to tell Unix how much she meant to me. She was always the little sister I wanted in HackCity. She filled the gap of my sister when I first came to Hacker Academy. Remorse fills my heart for all the harsh words I said to her. In more ways than one, Unix and my sister are alike. They don't deserve to feel so much pain in this world.

Domain. What can I say? He put me in place. He knew how to cross the line and annoy me so much that I was completely open with him. But as much as he has done for me, I realize I haven't reciprocated nearly as much. All I've given him are insults and this final death plan. I dream of one day, when he and I get a good time to chat, I'm making sure I hear his story. 

Cyber. He made me feel loved. Most importantly, he showed me how to love myself. When I first came to Hacker Academy, I only had one intention, and that was to help mother and sister survive in New York. It would've been fine if I was as good as dead to them, the fact that they were alive kept me going. All I had was for them. But Cyber taught me that if I kept on giving without replenishing myself, I was going to run dry. Cyber filled me to the brim.

It all started because of one nightmare. His dark hoodie covering his eyes, entrancing blue eyes and constant smirk irritated me to no end because he was mysterious and I wanted more. I thought the rumours were just rumours. The way he said my name softly. I thought my nightmare was childish. But now I know. He is just as cruel as the boy in my nightmare.

Just as it dawns on me that my life may be relaying in my mind as flashbacks, I'm pulled by the force of gravity and grip of reality. The flimsy yet strong material of a rope ladder goes through my hands and I grip it with all the strength I have left. At first, the movement of tugs could've very well just been the wind, but when I look up, I am closer to the helicopter than before. In one final stretch of effort, I'm heaved onto the helicopter. I pant heavily, and Unix collapses beside me.

Life works in strange ways. One moment, I was dying, and I was remorseful over all the harsh words and actions I've done in my life to the people I've met. But now, when I see them again, no words seem to come out. Domain assists the helicopter programming to stay clear in the sky before looking at me, and Unix finally sits up and stares at me wide-eyed. I want to say that I'm a decent human being and make up for all the wrongdoings I've done to them before. But life is a work in progress. One thing's for sure, I'm going to be a lot more grateful to them from now on.

"Take us to Control Tower."

Life is short. I only hope I'll be able to see the end of it with everyone. 

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