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Wanda Maximoff - Private

I always knew there was a slight rift between Turner and Pierson.

But once we got into Germany, it worsened.

It was like arctic ice, slowly pulling apart, cracking and shaking with every inch moved. They were arguing for what seemed like every day, and all I could hope was that it wasn't about me.

The boys warmed back up to me, though, the rest of the camp was still iffy. I didn't mind using my powers around my boys - but I got unbelievably insecure around anyone else.

And I never got insecure around Privates.

Though there weren't any words thrown around, I felt deep inside my bones that something was telling me to be. Something forcing me to chicken out.

But I knew soon that I would have a chance to prove myself. I was just hoping I did.

October brought cooler weather and less threatening sun, especially in Germany. We were pretty busy now, and Pierson and I had to find a new area to train.

Even then, there were days where we missed it. I didn't blame him, seeing as he was either arguing with Turner or mandating a whole platoon.

So, I sometimes went ahead and did it alone.

I'm not gonna lie - I didn't like it.

Being alone and using the magic was just as ominous as you would think. I was left with my thoughts, though they usually weren't even mine, with no one else's voice to drag me out of it.

I hated how I began to rely on Pierson, but I had no choice. Day by day, I felt increasingly lonely, timider, and less bold.

Was that me, or something else?

I couldn't say for sure. But I knew that it would only get worse if the rest of the camp didn't warm up to me anytime soon.

And, if Pierson and I didn't get back to our old swing of things.

The voice occasionally told me to follow his orders, as that was the only way that I could keep my friends alive. I didn't know whether to listen or not.

Zussman patted my back as Aiello, Stiles, and I met up with him and Daniels. I gave him a half-smile, mind elsewhere.

"Hey, found this lying around," Aiello said to Daniels, putting a letter atop of the box he was carrying.

I glanced over and saw it was from his fiancé, Hazel. Daniels immediately stiffened and became somewhat defensive. "Thought I told you not to go through my things?"

"What kinda chump doesn't open a sugar report?" I crossed my arms, watching silently.

Stiles went over, and I watched Daniels become more and more upset. "Uh, the kind who thinks it's a Dear John."

I glared at the boy in glasses, knowing he was about to hit a sore spot. "See the address, she wrote Daniels, not red."

He was just as oblivious as he was smart, it seemed.

"Only one reason to be so formal," he continued, "hate to say it - think she's cutting you loose."

Not wanting to hear it anymore, I snapped. "Leave him alone, Stiles, college degrees don't mean you know everything about women."

It didn't even phase him. "Oh hey, maybe it's like Schrodinger's letter. Do you know? If you don't open it, she's still your girl."

Aiello looked at him in disbelief as Daniels turned away. He hit the upside of his head, mouth open. "Maybe it's like Schrodinger's letter - what's wrong with you?!"

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