Chapter 7: HELL

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Hehe Spartan! (An Elite says and Tries to slice Charlie head off) Damn u! (Charlie dodges the blade and tackles the Elite into a Shaft that led underground) Who is there! (A marine says scared aiming at Charlie) Hold your fire. (Noble six says raising his hand looking at Charlie) Noble Six? (Charlie says staring at his old friend) how the hell are u even alive. (Charlie asked in confusion) I killed the elites of course. (Noble six says) How? (Charlie asked) I cant say. (Noble six says looking at the ground) Enough family reunion we got to get top side! (A Marine field marshal says) What's going on. (Noble six ask) We got Covenant topside blowing us down. (The Field Marshal says) Grahhh! (10 Elites dash in and slices down 6 Marines and the Field marshal) Let's go! (Noble six says and he dashed to a Elevator) Got it. (Charlie says and he kills 2 elites and hops in the elevator) We got to watch our heads when we get out there. (Noble 6 says) right. (Charlie says the elevator opens and Charlie and Noble six kills 5 grunts and 1 elite)

What the hell, are there problems! (A marine yells then gets gunned down) Nooo! (A Marine yells as he watched his friend die) We don't go down alone, we're brothers. (Noble six says to Charlie and they run to a warthog) Wait for me! (A marine says as he hops on the turret and they drive off) Charlie, Do u copy. (Bill ask) Yea I copy were are y'all. (Charlie ask) We are on a pelican about to leave hall your ass over here. (Bill says) Got it. (Charlie says and they drive faster) Come on! (Wasp says with her hand out for Charlie) Hehee! (A Elite fires a missile and it blows up the Warthog and flips the pelican a bit) CHARLIE! (Wasp yells as the pelican leaves them) Argh. (Charlie says standing up with his Assault rifle and shoots 2 elites and 4 grunts and Noble six picks up his DMR and shoots 3 elites in the head and body shots 3 grunts) Argh spartan. (The marine says bleeding out) Don't worry we will win this war. (Charlie says and Charlie shoots 2 Elites in the head and Charlie gets shot in his right arm and falls)

Damn it. (Noble six says and he tackles one elite and shot it in the face another elite kicks over Noble six and stabs him in his side, Noble six right hook the elite and blow out his brains another elite slices Noble six right arm off)
(3 hours later Shows Noble six dead body)
Cough, Cough. (Charlie says standing up) Damn Covenant. (Charlie says then clasped on the ground)

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